Difference between Flea Bites and Bed Bug Bites | MD …

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Have you ever gotten out of bed wondering if that red, itchy spot on your legwas froma flea or bed bug? Although it can be difficult to distinguish between flea bites and bed bug bites there are some clues that will help you distinguish between the two. Before we examine the differences between the two bites it is important that we start by taking a separate look at each bite.

Fleas are parasites that obtain nourishment from the blood of their host. Flea bites can easily be confused with ant bites, spider bites, or skin allergies. However there are some clues these pests leave behind to help identify the origin of the bite. One simple way to differentiate between bites is to look at the bite itself. A bite with two puncture marks is most likely from an ant or spider; whereas, a bite with one puncture mark in the center of the bite is most likely from a flea.

There are several symptoms associated with flea bites. Here are the most common symptoms:

Most flea bites can be easily managed at home. The most important part in managing flea bites is being able to resist the urge to scratch the bite. Treat flea bites at home in the following ways:

The key to preventing flea bites is to eliminate the source of the infestation. To do this, pet owners need to treat all pets with flea shampoo or flea spot on treatment liquids. Removing fleas from your home can be difficult because of the following reasons:

To control fleas, treat all carpeted areas and pet bedding with flea insecticide sprays, foggers, or powders. Since flea eggs can live for weeks inside the home or pet bedding, a second treatment is often needed.

If you prefer to treat fleas naturally, begin by washing all clothing, bedding, and pet bedding in hot water. Then dry the materials in the dryer on high heat to help remove the pests and kill the eggs. Next sprinkle borax on the carpeted areas, mattresses, and outdoor areas. Allow the borax powder to sit for several hours and thenremove with a vacuum. It is extremely important that you empty the vacuum bag and remove the vacuum bag from your home to avoid reinfestation. Continue this treatment every week up to one month.

Bed bugs are small, non-flying insects that obtain nourishment from the blood they remove from humans or animals. Although bed bugs can live in furniture and upholstery, they prefer to congregate in beds and bed frames where they feed at night. Bed bugs bites are commonly found on the hands, neck, face, and arms because these areas are more likely to be exposed during sleep. The bumps appear on the skin as flat, small, or raised areas that can become inflamed, itchy, red, or blister.

Often no treatment is required for bed bug bites. However, if the bites itch, youcan treat them with topical steroid creams or oral antihistamines. A course of oral antibiotics may beprescribedto treat an infection that develops at the bed bug site.

Most often an infestation of bed bugs will require a pest-control expert because bed bugs are highly adaptable pests that can live for up to a year without feeding.

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Difference between Flea Bites and Bed Bug Bites | MD ...

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