Category Archives: Bed Bugs New Foundland & Labrador

  New Foundland & Labrador, Canada Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 5th of September 2024 07:17 AM

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Bed bugs: The main warning signs indicating you may have an infestation – Express

Blood stains on sheets and pillowcases

Whenbedbugsbite, they inject an anticoagulant. This stops the blood from clotting.

When thebughas finished feeding, the bites can continue to bleed for some time.

Bedbugshave a hollow tube like mouthpart, called a proboscis, which they use to suck up blood.

This is why a person may notice tiny spots of blood on their bedsheets or pillows.

Blood stains on sheets and pillowcases

Whenbedbugsbite, they inject an anticoagulant. This stops the blood from clotting.

When thebughas finished feeding, the bites can continue to bleed for some time.

Bedbugshave a hollow tube like mouthpart, called a proboscis, which they use to suck up blood.

This is why a person may notice tiny spots of blood on their bedsheets or pillows.

Spotting the shells, skin, or casings of abedbug

Spotting shed skin in or around thebedis one of the surest signs a person may have a big problem on their hands.

This cast skin is actually the moulted exoskeleton of thebugand indicates abedbuginfestation may be in full swing.

The moulting process (called ecdysis) leaves this tell-talebedbugevidence behind.Bedbugsgo through five stages of maturing before becoming an adult. At each immature stage, thebugmoults after a blood meal.

David Cain of extermination companyBedBugsLimited said: The problem ofbedbugshas been spreading globally since the late 1990s, and there is literally no country on the face of the planet that hasnt had abedbugproblem.

The first thing is you have to be able to recognise and distinguish abedbugfrom any other insect, said American Scientific.

Everything starts to look like abedbugif you start to worry about them.

An adultbedbugis about the size and shape of an apple seed.

If it has not fed recently it will be flattened and brown, if it has fed it will be round in circumference and reddish.

Immaturebedbugshave a similar appearance to adults, with the smallest being the size of the head of a pin.

You can then learn to look for their faecal spots, which can be easier to detect than thebugsthemselves.

How can I treatbedbugbites?

Bedbug bites usually clear up on their own in a week or so but there are things you can do to alleviate them.

The NHS recommends:

Putting something cool, like a clean, damp cloth, on the affected area to help with the itching and any swelling

Keeping the affected area clean

Not scratching the bites to avoid getting an infection

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Bed bugs: The main warning signs indicating you may have an infestation - Express

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Bed bug bites: The unsettling sign in your mood that could signal youve been bitten – Express

Bed bugs are a nuisance - they often dwell in parts of the house that are hard to access and they have a penchant for animal and human flesh. The parasitic insects feed on the blood of people and animals while they sleep. In the morning you may wake up to find a trail of red, itchy bite marks on your skin.

The bite marks do not usually present a real threat to your health, although, as the NHS points out, some people have a reaction to the bites.

"They can be very itchy and there may be painful swelling," explains the health body.

What is often overlooked is the psychological effects of bed bug bites.

Research is starting to show that bed bug infections can leave people with anxiety, depression, and paranoia.

READ MORE:Bed bugs: Smelling this odour wafting from your room could be a warning of an infestation

In fact, these symptoms are highly prevalent, according to Stphane Perron, a doctor and researcher at the University of Montreal. Speaking to The Atlantic, he said: If you have bed bugs, and if you dont care, thats not a normal reaction. You should be worried. I would consider it a normal reaction to a stressor.

Perron is well versed in this subject, having published a number of papers on the psychological ramifications of bed bugs.

In one study, he and his team looked at apartments that had been reported to the Montreal Public Health Department for unsafe conditions.

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Some of those units were infested with bedbugs, but not all of them.

Perron and his team gave the tenants of these buildings a series of questionnaires that assessed all sorts of health impacts, including psychological ones.

All told, 39 of the units had bed bugs, and 52 of them didnt.

When they compared the psychological results between those two samples a method that helps to control for factors that impact mental health like socioeconomic status they found that tenants with bed bugs were far more likely to report anxiety and sleep disturbances than those without.

Another study by medical entomologist Jerome Goddard at Mississippi State University strengthens the association.

Goddard examined posts on bed bug related websites like

When they compared those posts against a checklist of PTSD symptoms they found that 81 percent of people writing these forum posts were describing psychological and emotional effects often associated with the disorder, things like hyper-vigilance, paranoia, obsessive thoughts, and depression.

According to the Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), bed bug infestations are commonly treated by insecticide spraying.

"If you suspect that you have an infestation, contact your landlord or professional pest control company that is experienced with treating bed bugs," advises the CDC.

There are some self-help tips you can try to stamp out an infestation too.

The NHS recommends washing affected bedding and clothing use a hot wash (60C) or tumble dry on a hot setting for at least 30 minutes.

It also says to:

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Bed bug bites: The unsettling sign in your mood that could signal youve been bitten - Express

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New Foundland & Labrador, Canada Bed Bug Registry Map …

Bedbugs in St. Johns Newfoundland and Labrador can be a real annoyance to both residential and commercial properties. Eliminating these blood-sucking pests (including eggs, and adults) takes more than chemical sprays. Continue reading

Homosexual behavior in animals is sexual behavior among non-human species that is interpreted as homosexual or bisexual. This may include same-sex sexual activity, courtship, affection, pair bonding, and parenting among same-sex animal pairs.[1][2][3][4] Research indicates that various forms of this are found in every major geographic region and every major animal group Continue reading

Is he/she your service dog? This is a question I hear surprisingly often while Im out on a property working with Bed Bug Detection Canine, Sade. While Im out working with Sade, at home, a rescued golden/labrador retriever mix named Dusty, is well on her way to becoming a Certified Service dog. Continue reading

St. Johns has made it to the top of another list, but this time its not for the colourful houses or oceanfront location. The most easterly city in Canada is also housing a host of unwanted guests bedbugs. Continue reading

Not Seen A Bed Bug Since!! Hi to all! I used to travel for a living, and somehow in my travels I picked up bedbugs. Continue reading

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New Foundland & Labrador, Canada Bed Bug Registry Map ...

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Bed Bug Extermination Services St. Johns, Newfoundland …

Bedbugs in St. Johns Newfoundland and Labrador can be a real annoyance to both residential and commercial properties. Eliminating these blood-sucking pests (including eggs, and adults) takes more than chemical sprays. At 911 Bed Bugs, we provide bed bug elimination services to help homes and businesses get rid of bedbugs once and for all.

911 Bed Bugs offers effective and rapid bed bug treatment services. You can rest assured that you dont have to waste your time and spend a fortune on our services. We use innovative thermal heat remediation treatments to completely get rid of bed bug infestations. Our experienced exterminators get to the bottom of the problem and use treatments that will keep these pests from coming back. Youll be able to sleep soundly once again.

If you are unsure whether you have bed bugs in your property, we can help you find out with our inspection services.

Contact us for a FREE quote on our services or to schedule an inspection.

Thermal Heat Remediation treatments have been proven to successfully eliminate annoying bed bugs in St. Johns Newfoundland and Labrador at every stage from egg to adult. Thermal remediation is an environmentally friendly solution for the fight against bedbugs without the use of harmful chemicals or pesticides. This service for eliminating bedbugs in homes and offices can be completed in one day, versus the chemical treatment which often requires the tenting of ones property. There is no need to remove furniture and other items with our heat treatment process.

Contact us to ensure elimination & prevention of bed bugs.

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Bed Bug Extermination Services St. Johns, Newfoundland ...

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bed bug contract | Bed Bug Control

Is he/she your service dog? This is a question I hear surprisingly often while Im out on a property working with Bed Bug Detection Canine, Sade. While Im out working with Sade, at home, a rescued golden/labrador retriever mix named Dusty, is well on her way to becoming a Certified Service dog. With experience in both sides, I can personally speak to some of the similarities and differences between the two.

Service Dogs are a type of assistance dog specifically trained to help people with physical disabilities including visual or hearing impairment, mental disabilities such as PTSD (post traumatic stress disorder), and medical alert for those suffering with diabetes, seizures, narcolepsy and even cancer.

Detection Dogs, or sniffer dogs, are trained to detect substances such as drugs, firearms, mold, currency and of course, bed bugs! Some prisons even have dogs trained to detect illicit cell phones in prisons.

Obviously, the main differences lay in their specific functions, what theyre looking for, actions they must perform and behavior (service dogs must be laid back and calm while you want to see a strong working drive in detection dogs), but little else differs.

Either dog can be bred for their specific purpose by organizations, private breeders or even selected from shelters and rescues. The training it takes to get them there is quite similar, taking six to twelve months either way for a completely certified working dog but the end result is the same, helping humans. Is it really any wonder theyre considered mans best friend?

Alana, Atlanta Bed Bug Control Specialist

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bed bug contract | Bed Bug Control

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