Category Archives: Bed Bugs Texas

  Texas, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Sunday 21st of July 2024 04:16 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Arkansas Towns Make The Top 50 Infested With Bed Bugs –

In the summer we like to go on vacation, but did you know summer is also the peak time for bed bugs? Another creepy thought is, that bed bug infestations are on the rise across the country and Arkansas is high on the list...Ugh!

It's not a pretty or happy thought but if you are traveling and plan on staying at a hotel you might want to be careful and examine the room. More on that later.

BBC Studios, YouTube

According toa Terminixstudy, they listed the top 50 cities in the nation with the most bed bug infestations and some Arkansas and Texas cities are on the list. In a lot of cases the more populated the area is the more chance of bed bugs.

BBC Studios, YouTube

Arkansas' capital Little Rock and Pine Bluff come in at number 15 on Termininx's National Top 50 List. We can understand Little Rock with so many people traveling to the capital for business or vacation, but Pine Bluff? In most cases, the bed bugs more than likely come in by visitors' clothing and luggage.

BBC Studios, YouTube

These towns are listed at number 34 on the Terminix list. All these areas have been experiencing economic growth,which means bigger populations and more visitors coming to town. Infestation hot spots includehomes, businesses, hotels, restaurants, offices, and museums.

Dallas Ft Worth came in at #6

Houston at #11

Tyler Longview came in at #41

Exterminators Tackle Growing U.S. Bed Bug Problem

There are four things to keep in mind so you don't get bed bugs.

1. Check your sleeping area for any signs of bed bugs.

2. Take precautions.While at the hotel keep your luggage on a hard surface on top of the dresser or table. When you get home keep luggage outside and spray with alcohol or put clothing in the dryer to kill bugs and eggs to avoid introducing bed bugs into your home.

3. Get professional pest control help instead of DIY solutions. 4. If bitten be sure to use the correct medical care and use proper hygiene.

Check out the video about bed bugs below.

Gallery Credit: Michelle Heart

Gallery Credit: Martha Sandoval

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West Texas pest control expert shares tips to avoid and combat bed bugs –

According to the owner of Brown Pest Solutions, oftentimes, people will go days or even months before realizing they are dealing with a bed bug infestation.

MIDLAND, Texas On March 21, the City of Midland said the customer service office, located on Andrews Highway, would be closed for a few days amid concerns over bedbugs. It's the second time this month that the issue has caused the office to close its doors.

The widespread message of bed bugs may not come as a surprise, considering the season we're in. It's the busiest time of the year for Stan Brown, the owner of Brown Pest Solutions, and his team, as the warmer temperatures and rainfalls bring along many insects.

"A lot of the times there's people who do not realize they have bed bugs," Brown said. "And they'll treat for many different things, when suddenly they start finding a bug on them or bites."

Brown said some of the signs of bed bugs include seeing dark little spots on things like your bed. It's the blood they've been consuming that they later secrete.

"I tell our customers that one bed bug is an infestation because once they start feeding on you, they start multiplying," said Brown.

According to Brown, the responsibility of getting rid of the bed bugs is shared between the pest control expert and the property owner.

"I really tell people that 75% of the responsibility for getting rid of them is how they prepare the house for us by following a list of things to do before we get there," said Brown.

For homeowners, some of the items on that list include but are not limited to these two things:

"It's almost like you're moving out," Brown said. "You have to go through everything, and that's you really want to be serious about getting rid of them."

During a press conference in March, the senior services manager for the Midland Health Department, Dr. Whitney Craig, sid bed bugs are not dangerous.

"They're a parasitic insect, but they're also a nuisance," Dr. Craig said. "So they'll create itching, and then because they do bite during the nighttime while you're asleep, that may create insomnia because you're up scratching all night."

According to Dr. Craig, the reactions people may have to bed bug bites are different from person to person. Some people may not see bites at all, while others may experience something more severe such as an anaphylactic shock.

Dr. Craig said most of the times it's common to experience itching.

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Two Texas Cities Land On List Of Cities With The Most Bed Bugs In The U.S. | News Radio 1200 WOAI – iHeart

Bed bugs are sneaky pests that invade the coziest parts of our homes when we least expect them. Nobody wants to deal with these creepy critters that leave itchy evidence of their infestation. However, some of us have to encounter them more than others.

Orkin released its annual list of the worst cities for bed bugs. The 2024 edition saw some new additions to the list that has locals shivering:

Texas was included twice on the list with Dallas-Ft. Worth at number 22 and Houston at 38. While Dallas-Ft. Worth dropped five points from last year's list, Houston rose six points.

Two Texas Cities Land On List Of Cities With The Most Bed Bugs In The U.S. | News Radio 1200 WOAI - iHeart

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Texas is Crawling with Bed Bugs, 1 City Among U.S. Most Infected –

Perhaps San Antonio, TX? Maybe Houston, TX? No doubt you are more likely to find bed bugs in big cities, but how do Texas cities stack up when it comes to these pests?

It wasn't long ago that two major Texas cities had the dubious distinction of being ranked inside the top 10 onOrkin's Bed Bug City List,they've both, thankfully, dropped a bit in the rankings.

"Typically 3/16 inch long, red to dark brown in color and are mostly nocturnal insects that come out of hiding to take blood meals from sleeping humans. These pests are hematophagous, which means blood is their only food source," according toORKIN

What makes bed bugs such good survivalists? Like most insects, rapid population growth.Female bed bugscan deposit one to five eggs a day and may lay 200 to 500 eggs in their lifetime. What's even worse for us is that they can survive for several monthswithout a food source.

When traveling,think of the acronym S.L.E.E.P. to help you remember the following action stepsto help avoid bringing bed bugs home with you.

Alright, let's find out where Texas cities rank:

The list is based on treatment data from the metro areas where Orkin performed the mostbed bug treatmentsfrom December 1, 2021 November 30, 2022. The ranking includes both residential and commercial treatments.

Each year Orkin puts together their list of the Top 50 Bed Bug Destinations in the United States. Let's take a look and see which cities top the list.

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Texas is Crawling with Bed Bugs, 1 City Among U.S. Most Infected -

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Year In Review #1: New York Is Crawling With Bed Bugs, 2 Cities Among Most Infested – Hudson Valley Post

As we continue to look back at our top stories of 2023, here is our top-performing story of 2023. New York Is Crawling With Bed Bugs, 2 Cities Among Most Infested

Below is the original article:

Orkin recently released its list 50 cities across the United States with the most bed bugs. Two cities in New York State made the list.

Typically, bed bugs are 3/16 inch long. They are red to dark brown in color, according to Orkin.

Bed bugs are extremely resilient, making them difficult to control, Orkin entomologist Ben Hottel said. Contrary to popular belief, bed bugs are visible to the naked eye, but are excellent at hiding. Involving a trained professional at the sight of a bed bug introduction is recommended.

A popular city in Upstate New York and another downstate made the list. In fact, one location in New York State ranked second. If you're wondering, Chicago tops the list.

Is your hometown on the list? Do you live near? See the list below and then how to spot bed bugs.

Every year the pest control gurus at Orkin put together a list of the Top 50 Bed Bug Destinations in the United States. Which areas do you travel to that you should take extra care to watch out for these blood-sucking insects? Let's countdown to the most bed-bug-riddled city in the United States.

Gallery Credit: Scott Clow

Buffalo, New York ranked 29th on Orkin's list. In 2022, Buffalo placed 30th.

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New York City has more bed bugs than last year. In 2022, New York City had the 3rd most bed bugs in the nation. Now, New York City ranks second. Yay....

Bed bugs typically come out of hiding to feast on human blood as you sleep, according to Orkin.

Blood is their only food source. They can survive for several months while waiting for their next blood meal, officials say.

Bed bugs can easily travel from place to place by clinging to items such as luggage, purses and other personal belongings.

This year was a very busy year for the New York State government. Overall 682 bills wereintroduced passed by the legislative and signed by Gov. Kathy Hochul this year.

Gallery Credit: Dave Fields

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Year In Review #1: New York Is Crawling With Bed Bugs, 2 Cities Among Most Infested - Hudson Valley Post

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