Category Archives: Bed Bugs Massachusetts

  Massachusetts, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Thursday 26th of September 2024 01:34 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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13 Massachusetts Cites Named on 2024’s Worst Cities for Bed Bugs List – Live 95.9

Massachusetts is a great place to live. From sandy, sprawling Cape Cod beaches, to the stunning Boston city skyline, all the way to the beautiful, lush mountains of the Berkshires, Massachusetts really has it all.

Massachusetts also has a great overall quality of life. It consistently finds itself featured on lists of the best places to live, the best small towns, and even the safest cities, so there is plenty to brag about.The Bay State also has some pretty decent weather. Yes, winters seem to drag on and be a little brutal at times, sure, but we don't contend with the extreme weather that occurs in so many other parts of the country.

What we do contend with are a few challenges with wildlife and bugs. While Massachusetts certainly isn't inhabited by apex predators, there are some smaller creatures that might not kill you, but can certainly make your life hell. We're talking about Bed Bugs.

As part of Bed Bug Awareness Week (yes, apparently that's a thing) which starts June 2,Pest Gnome recently examined 500 cities across the U.S. and compiled a list of the most bed bug-infested cities in the nation. A whopping 13 Massachusetts cities appeared on the list.

To reach their results, Pest Gnomedetermined the factors that are most relevant to bed bug infestations, including infestation risk, pest control, and density and then gave those each a weight and calculated scores.

A citys Overall Score is the average of its scores across all factors and categories. The highest Overall Score ranked Highest Risk (No. 1) and the lowest Lowest Risk (No. 500).

13 Massachusetts citieslanded on thePest Gnome rankings. Check them out below.

# 7 - Boston

#13 - Cambridge

#18 - Sommerville

#27 - Lawrence

#55 - New Bedford

#58 - Fall River

#67 - Worcester

#70 - Lowell

#83 - Lynn

#84 - Brockton

#117 - Springfield

#121 - Quincy

#192 - Newton

It's not all bad news for these Massachusetts cities, it actually might mean they're just popular. According to the report, cities like Las Vegas and Honolulu, known for their bustling tourist activity are seeing a surge in bed bugs, so at least Boston and the rest are in good company.

Gallery Credit: Stacker

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13 Massachusetts Cites Named on 2024's Worst Cities for Bed Bugs List - Live 95.9

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Bed bug protocol |

Pre-treatment Procedures

Once a bed bug has been positively located and identified, treatment (e.g., pesticide application) will be necessary to rid the building of the pests. Control actions should be instituted in the immediate area, within 24 hours if possible.The office manager/area director, facility manager, and licensed pest control applicator should determine the scope (e.g., size of area, materials affected) requiring treatment.The treatment area may be the original isolation space or an expanded area as identified through the inspection.Once the size of location is determined, the space must be prepared for pesticide treatment.When possible, the following preparation procedures should be taken:

Only pesticides approved for use against bed bugs by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts may be legally applied.Further, the pesticide applicator conducting the treatmentmust hold a current licensefor pesticide application in the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.The most common room treatments include liquid and aerosol insecticides.Based on the experience of DPH/BEH staff, the most common and effective chemical products used in treating office space includes:

These pesticides are designed for targeted application and will not be applied to any desk surface or personal belongings.By implementing the treatment preparation procedures, staff can facilitate a successful treatment and prevent any potential for unintended treatment of personal items that may be left on the floor.

As mentioned, treatment of an office requires not only preparation of the space but also coordination of staff to be away from the office. During application of these products, the treatment areasmustbe vacant.These pesticides, Temprid SC in particular, must be allowed todry for 4 hoursfollowing application.During the drying time, no access to the treated areas is permitted. It is important that staff are made aware of these restrictions, and building and agency management should ensure the necessary arrangements are made.To limit building occupant exposure and allow appropriate time for post-treatment procedures, it is recommended that the pesticides be applied on Fridays after hours or over the weekend.

Following treatment of an office space, arrangements should be made with the building manager to ensure that the treated spaces are cleaned properly.Cleaning should include the following:

As mentioned, during the pre-treatment processes, items that may require chemical treatment should be gathered and placed into file boxes or heavy-duty (2-mil thick) contractor bags.Boxes should then be carefully placed into contractor bags.All bags should be placed in a second bag, in case the primary bag is punctured.These bags should be moved to a storage area that does not share ventilation with occupants.If a storage area cannot be secured, consideration should be given to renting a storage container that can be placed outside, away from passersby.Once items have been located to an appropriate storage space, the licensed pest control provider can begin to treat the materials using chemical fumigants strips.

The fumigant strips MDPH/BEH staff are most familiar with are the Nuvan ProStrips.The active ingredient in the Nuvan ProStrip is dichlorvos. Dichlorvos is used to protect stored products from insects.This product is designed to treat adult and nymph bed bugs, as well as bed bug eggs within the confines of the sealed bag.Once the strip is opened, the gases released from the pesticide product diffuse through the materials to inactivate bed bugs.While some studies have documented neurologic effects from dichlorvos, such effects involved very high exposure levels.It is important to follow the procedures outlined above (e.g., placing materials in two heavy-duty contractor bags, placing bags in a secure storage area) to prevent staff from potential exposure.

The licensed pest control provider will place fumigant strips into each bag and take appropriate steps to tie and seal the bag openings once the strips are in place.A building manager shall provide the means to secure the storage area or be available to secure the storage area after the licensed pest control provider has completed bag fumigation.

Fumigated materials must remain in place for a minimum of 7 days.It is recommended that bags containing fumigated materials be allowed to sit for two weeks.Following treatment, the licensed pest control provider must open each bag, and the bags must be allowed to ventilate for 2 hours. During the ventilation process, the licensed pest control provider will examine these bags for evidence and condition of bed bugs.

Immediately following the treatment, staff should remain vigilant and report any further sightings of bed bugs. The steps outlined above inMonitoring and Preventionshould serve as guidance for all occupants of an office space. Two weeks following the initial chemical treatment, a licensed pest control provider should thoroughly inspect the treated area to identify any further bed bug activity. If live bed bugs are observed, the licensed pest control provider may recommend second chemical treatment of the office space. Whether at the two- or four-week mark following the initial treatment, it is recommended that a second pesticide application be made to ensure thorough treatment and elimination of bed bugs.

The services of bed bug detecting dogs may be employed one month following application. The dog can serve as an additional means for identifying further bed bug activity. Work with the pest control company providing pest management services regarding these follow-up inspections and activities. Building managers and area directors should continue to report bed bug-related activities (e.g., inspections, treatments) to their Agency Director and Agency Human Resources Representative, as well as DCAMM and MDPH/BEH.

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Researchers reveal which types of neighborhoods get bedbugs – Fast Company

The dramatic resurgence of bedbugs has not plagued Americans equally, according to a new, creepy-crawly study from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst.

Researchers tracked inspection reports of 21,340 Chicago buildings from 2006 through 2018 and found that bedbugs thrive in poorer neighborhoods. The strongest predictor of infestation was low household income, along with, to a lesser extent, high eviction rates and crowding. The researchers were quite surprised at the high correlations.

The neighborhoods suffering high rates of bedbugs also suffer a disproportionate number of other health burdens. The map of where people are most at risk for bed bugs looks like the same areas where more kids have asthma, lead in the bloodstream and likely even COVID-19, says coauthor Daniel Schneider, a biologist and professor of urban planning at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

No connection was found between bedbug infestation and education level, nor are bedbugs any more likely to appear in areas with predominantly rented units. This was all news: Bedbugs are notoriously difficult to track, because residents self-report to local governments, and reporting patterns vary by race and income, among other factors.

If youre reading this because youre brewing a wee bedbug colony, dont freak out: Here is an excellent guide to vanquishing them.

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Researchers reveal which types of neighborhoods get bedbugs - Fast Company

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New Evidence on Bed Bug Burden in Urban Neighborhoods – UMass News and Media Relations

AMHERST, Mass. In the first study to use systematically collected data from multifamily housing inspections to track bed bug infestation, investigators including Christopher Sutherland at the University of Massachusetts Amherst confirm what has long been suspected for bed bugs, but also for public health issues in general infestations are strongly associated with socioeconomic factors, including neighborhood income, eviction rates and crowding.

Writing in People and Nature about their Chicago-area study, biostatistician Sutherland, with biologist Daniel Schneider and urban planner Andrew Greenlee, both of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, point out that documenting the scale of the bed bugs dramatic resurgence as a common household pest and identifying socioeconomic factors that determine infestation risk are challenging, because data usually come from self-reporting, which has potential for bias.

But unlike previous research, our data come from systematic inspections with known sampling effort and are, therefore, uniquely able to attribute observed reductions to declines in bed bug prevalence rather than trends in reporting, they add.

Sutherland and colleagues say the evidence of higher risk of bed bug infestation in poorer neighborhoods, in areas where evictions are more common and in more crowded neighborhoods provides important empirical evidence of the disproportionate allocation of public health burdens upon neighborhoods already facing multiple dimensions of disadvantage for example, poverty, contaminated water and health inequalities.

Sutherland says he was surprised that the patterns were borne out so strongly. Its discouraging that we still have these extreme polarities in society, he notes. Differences in socioeconomic factors means that these public health burdens fall on groups that are less able to cope with them than their more affluent neighbors. We shine a light on yet another public health concern that points squarely to who is bearing the burdens.

Schneider, an expert in dispersal ecology how species move to new habitats and get extinguished adds, The map of where people are most at risk for bed bugs looks like the same areas where more kids have asthma, lead in the bloodstream and likely even COVID-19. How cynical we were coming into this determined how surprised we were by the findings.

The authors analysis uses administrative data on inspections from Chicagos Department of Buildings. From 2006 to 2018, addresses of 21,340 multi-story multiple dwelling residential buildings four stories or higher, and mixed residential/commercial buildings three stories or higher, saw a total 56,384 periodic inspections. Of these, 491 resulted in definitive bed bug evidence a code violation at the property. These bed bug-positive inspections occurred at 446 unique properties, indicating that some had bed bugs present across multiple inspections, they note.

Using this and other data, the researchers aggregated the number of inspections and violations in each year at the census tract level and derived socioeconomic measures of each tract. From this, they identified four broad socioeconomic categories residential stability, housing affordability, resident demographics and neighborhood housing characteristics and nine variables associated with them.

Their analyses showed that, in addition to significant variation among years, neighborhood-level median household income was the strongest predictor of bed bug prevalence. Eviction rate and crowding had significant, but relatively smaller effects. We did not find evidence that bed bug prevalence was influenced by mobility rate, percent of renter households, or the percent population with a graduate degree.

Schneider says, This is just one facet of a larger problem. This is not just a bed bug problem, and if you stack public health issues on top of each other we believe these will correlate strongly. The work appears in an open-access journal, Sutherland says, so anyone can access the data. We tried hard to make the language clear enough for policymakers, to show that this is more evidence of serious public health disparity.

This study grew out of a two-year, interdisciplinary workshop the authors organized for the National Science Foundations National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) to study bed bug history, sociology, ecology, entomology, urban planning and epidemiology. The research combined existing environment and social data, melding ideas that existed but were not synthesized together before, in Schneiders words.

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New Evidence on Bed Bug Burden in Urban Neighborhoods - UMass News and Media Relations

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Exterminate Bed Bugs K9 Dogs – Heat Treatments – Pest …

Clark Pest Remedy will provide the best solution to your pest problemand heres why:

Knowledgeable : CPR technicians are trained to the highest industry standards. Our inspectors are licensed, capable and professional with many hours of entomological study that enables them identify pest and infestation problems.

Our technicians are skilled in all methods of treatment and remediation.

Experienced : With more than 35 years in the pest control business in Atlanta, we recognize the urgency of solving your pest problem. We respect and care about your home, your possessions, and we understand the importance of providing you with peace of mind.

Reliable : Clark Pest Remedy insured and licensed by the State of Georgia.Our inspectors and technicians go through thorough pre-employment background screening as well as a period of probationary apprenticeship during which they receive on-the-job training from senior experienced technicians.We are a drug-free, smoke-free, environmentally responsible company.

Results oriented: What we offer is not just a pest treatment, but a comprehensive solution to your individual pest problem.

Ourservice involves a thorough inspection and analysis of your home and its vulnerability to pests. We will determine the type of pests, the severity of infestation, and the access points; we will then develop a comprehensive solution based on your circumstances and needs. Your pest solution mayinclude mechanical, chemical, landscaping, and various types of barrier remedies

Caring : We pledge to treat your home as we would treat our own.

We offer a comprehensive, pro-active approach to your pest problem, and we will:

Respond immediately to your call, email, or inquiry.

Expect a response within 24 hours.

Provide an in home inspection and consultation. We will evaluate your home, analyze the problem and offer a comprehensive remediation strategy. This goes well beyond applying chemicals to the baseboards once a month!

Assess your individual situation What types of infestation? Do you have pets? Do you have young children? Type of home construction? Extent of infestation? Degree of damage? Potential for additional damage?

Discuss and offer a range of possible solutions.

Develop a customized, comprehensive solution to meet your needs.

Implement strategies for solving your pest problem that may include mechanical remedies, barriers, diversions, distractive applications, chemical applications, removal of nests, sealing cracks and joints, modifying or re-arranging lighting fixtures or water features, recommending alterations to foliage or landscaping for maximum pest deterrence Follow up as warranted and needed.

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