Guidelines for Dealing with Bed Bugs in a School Setting – Let …

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Guidelines for Dealing with Bed Bugs in a School Setting (.pdf)

Actual bed bug infestations in schools are uncommon, more often a few bed bugs will hitchhike from an infested home on a students possessions. On the occasion that an infestation starts, it will be because bed bugs have found a site where people rest or sit for a time. A common example of this is with the younger grades, or pre-school, where rest time or nap time still occurs.

It is important to remain vigilant for bed bugs in the school. Treating a bed bug infestation is very difficult and costly. The sooner an infestation is detected the easier it will be to control the infestation. Also, there are steps that can be taken to prevent future infestations.

The most common way for bed bugs to enter a school is through hitchhiking from an infested site. Usually this will be from a student, staff or teachers home which has a bed bug infestation. While teachers and staff can be more easily addressed dealing with students or parents can be challenging, especially if the family cannot afford proper control measures or their landlord refuses to properly treat their home.

Students dealing with a bed bug infestation in their home may show signs of bites. Different people react differently to bed bug bites, some people do not react at all and others have severe allergic reactions. Depending on the students immune response to bed bug bites and the severity of the infestation there may be a few or many welts on the face, torso and limbs. Bed Bugs tend to bit on skin that is exposed during sleep or rest. The visible marks and itchiness may make the student very uncomfortable. Students may also display anxiousness and/or sleepiness due to interrupted sleep as a result of bed bugs biting them.

Bed bugs are not associated with uncleanliness or socioeconomic status, but this insect has a substantial social stigma.

Steps that can be taken if a students home is known to have a bed bug infestation:

Guidelines for Dealing with Bed Bugs in a School Setting (.pdf)

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