ID Help? Bed bug or swallow bug? « Got Bed Bugs? Bedbugger Forums

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Jim - The pic posted yesterday is the same bug posted at the top of this thread. I just scanned it for better clarity.

Lou - indeed, I mean to say swallow bugs.

I have to admit, it doesn't seem that hairy, but it's hard to tell given the tape it is under. I looked at the guy under a microscope and he certainly has hair - all over the back and around his face.

Some of the reasons I thought it was a swallow bug were that we found them active in the day, we reliably find them near the windows where there is lots of sun. None of us have any bites or have seen any blood marks or feces on our sheets and the bugs don't seem to cluster in our beds. We also have dozens of swallows nests directly outside our windows.

This was a neat guide to the differences between the bat bug, bed bug and swallow bug:

Well, then I am at a loss. What should I do next?

If they are swallow bugs I can't legally remove the nests and we are stuck with them. Any treatment would on work on the indoors and still leave the house susceptible to more swallow bugs! Apparently swallow bugs go dormant in the winter when the swallows leave - would this solve the problem if we made sure to prevent swallows next year?

If they are bed bugs then that's a whole other story... one I shudder to think of.

Any advice on next steps?

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ID Help? Bed bug or swallow bug? « Got Bed Bugs? Bedbugger Forums

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