Canine Bed Bug Detection | Western Exterminator

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There is an overwhelming amount of information about what to do when you have a bed bug problem. Add suggestions from friends along with urban legends and the solution can be hard to see.

Experts and scientists do all agree on one thing - bed bugs are unique pests that cannot be managed through typical pest control practices. The majority of nuisance pests, such as cockroaches or ants, can be quickly eradicated with minimal disruption. Bed bugs are different. It takes a true bed bug specialist and a fully integrated approach for effective bed bug control and management.

The most difficult and important step in eliminating bed bugs is early detection and identification to correctly recognize these blood-feeding pests. While adult bed bugs can be fairly easy to see, bed bug eggs (which are white) and nymphs (which are virtually colorless) are nearly microscopic.

Eggs hatch, and nymphs mature with each blood meal, quickly developing into fully-grown bed bugs, which are able to reproduce and form new colonies. Left undetected and untreated, they can rapidly turn into a massive infestation, making sleep for nearby humans a frightening experience.

Bed bugs are experts at burrowing and hiding in cracks and crevices. But with a canine bed bug inspection, you don't need eyes to discover them. Due to a dog's keen sense of smell, a properly-trained canine can detect the presence of a bed bug infestation by the odor given off by live bed bugs and viable eggs in hiding places that might otherwise be missed on a visual inspection.

A dog quickly locates bed bug trouble spots, ensuring treatments can efficiently target and eliminate bed bug infestations. A canine bed bug inspection can also be used in follow-up procedures after treatment to ensure that all bed bugs have been killed.

To schedule a canine bed bug inspection from one of our qualified Western Exterminator bed bug control specialists call us at 800-937-8398 or fill in our online form.

Pound Puppies - Our bed bug dogs are rescued from the pound, and have been trained and certified in the same manner as military and law enforcement agency dogs. Often young dogs are relinquished to shelters by owners who are unable to cope with their over-exuberance, and the energetic pups are the perfect candidates for these various detection programs. And now, "Man's Best Friend" is the latest weapon in the war on bed bugs.

Canine Bed Bug Detection | Western Exterminator

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