How to Stop Bed Bug Itching | eHow

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Racheal Ambrose

Racheal Ambrose started writing professionally in 2007. She has worked for the minority publishing company Elite Media Group Inc., Ball Bearings online magazine, "Ball State Daily News" and "The Herald Bulletin." Her articles focus on minority and women's issues, children, crafts, housekeeping and green living. Ambrose holds a Bachelor of Arts in journalism from Ball State University.

Bed bugs create itchy bumps on the skin when they bite. The insects produce a chemical that causes the itching, according to Bed Bugs Guide. Not everyone who is bitten by a bed bug will have an itchy bite, according to the site. Using creams and lotions soothe the itching, which prevents you from scratching. Using items like eggplants and oatmeal to remove the harmful chemicals in the bite also reduces itching. An open bite takes longer to heal and can cause an infection.

Apply a dime-sized drop of calamine lotion or hydrocortisone itch cream to your finger.

Gently massage the lotion or cream on top of and around the bite. Allow it to soak into the skin.

Spray anti-itch spray over the bite. Allow it to dry before covering with any clothing.

Wet a cotton ball with peppermint oil. Do not soak it. Wipe the wet cotton ball on the bed bug bite.

Pour 1/4 cup of water into a cup. Add 1 tablespoon of oatmeal and stir. Apply the oatmeal to the bug bite. Rinse the oatmeal off after it hardens, according to Health News.

Cut a small slice of eggplant. Hold the eggplant on the bug bite for about five minutes.

How to Stop Bed Bug Itching | eHow

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