Finally, An Easy Solution For Bed Bug Bites That You Can Use Now!

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Summary: Bed bug bites can leave you with painful inflammation and since they love to hide in beds, you may be bitten a number of times before you wake up in the morning! If you have a severe allergic reaction its recommended that you seek professional medical assistance. Besides medical creams and pills, things like tea tree oil, baking soda and even lemon juice can also give you relief at minimal cost.

Since bed bugs can be found throughout the world, many people have suffered from their bites. Their primary diet is blood, which makes humans their meal of choice, definitely not good news for us! Based on personal experience, they can leave a rather nasty, red mark which can itch like mad. No wonder people say Goodnight and dont let the bed bugs bite!! What do these bites look like and what are some ways that you can get rid of them? This guide will answer these questions and teach you what to do if you are bitten by a bed bug.

In comparison to other insect bites, bed bug bite marks are usually in groups of three or more when they appear on the skin. This is sometimes called the breakfast, lunch and supper bites. As you can see in the picture below, the bites are rather close to each other. Their bites often look like little red bumps, pimples or even blisters and welts. Some people can also mistake them for flea bites. If one of these insects bite you, you usually wont even feel it as it uses a form of anesthetic which dulls the pain. Bed bugs also are known to leave bite marks in a straight line, also in close proximity to each other. A single bed bug can bite you a number of times during the night. However, if you have a bed bug infestation, there are usually a large number of these little pests and this can result in a multitude of bed bug bites which can pose a potential health risk. We will discuss this in more detail in a short while.

The biggest problem with these bites is that, depending on the persons skin and their tolerance to bacteria, their appearance is different on different types of people. For example, even doctors have trouble telling the difference between a bed bug bite and a couple of mosquito or spider bites. I have noticed in the past that if I get bitten by a mosquito, I get a rather large red mark (even without scratching), whereas my husbands skin hardly shows any signs of the bite. Likewise, if I get bitten by a bed bug, I usually get a rather bad rash which is extremely sensitive to touch while they are hardly visible on my husband. If your bites become very itchy, you need to resist the urge to scratch the affected area as this can make the problem worse and cause further inflammation, infection or even bleeding. According to the Center for Disease Control, bed bug bites can even cause insomnia due to the fear of being bitten. This can result in a lack of energy and dramatically increased anxiety levels.

Its important to note that bed bugs can easily be transferred from other locations (such as hotels, friends, etc.) into your bedroom, something your definitely want to avoid! Its important to always check your skin, clothing and bags for any signs of bed bugs (and their bites) before entering your bedroom after sleeping away from the home. If you have been bitten a couple times, there is usually no urgent need for medical care. In fact, there are a number of effective home remedies that you can use to treat these insect bites. However, sometimes medical assistance is required. When is this the case and how can you identify when professional help is needed?

Firstly, its important to remember that, despite their daily diet of blood, bed bugs will not transfer blood based diseases (such as AIDS, etc.). However, in very rare cases, these bites have been known to cause anaphylaxis, which is an adverse allergic reaction that covers the entire body in a rash. After being bitten by a bed bug, be alert for any of these potential complications:

While I understand that these reactions may have other causes, if you have just had a number of bed bug bites symptoms (listed above), I highly recommend contacting a doctor as you may be having an allergic reaction. However, the good news is that its rather rare so there is usually no need to worry yourself.

Lets have a look at few products you can use to alleviate the itchiness of these bites and ultimately get rid of them. However, before trying anything, something that you should do immediately is give the affected area a quick wash with water and a mild soap. This will ensure that any bacteria is killed and there wont be any potential infections.

There are also a number of natural bed bug bite treatments that have proven to be very effective. I personally love these! Here are a few that work well:

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Finally, An Easy Solution For Bed Bug Bites That You Can Use Now!

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