How to Cure Infections Caused by Bed Bugs | eHow

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J.D. Wollf

J.D. Wollf has been a writer since 1999 and has been published in a variety of newspapers and newsletters. She has covered everything from local sports to computer accessory reviews and specializes in articles about health issues, particularly in the elderly.

While bed bugs are nasty little critters, they don't spread disease. If you have an infected bed bug bite, you most likely got it form scratching it. Many people are allergic to bed bug bites, making it hard not to relieve the itch by scratching. Another possibility is the bite may have gotten infected through a chance encounter with bacteria from some other source. Whatever the cause, here's how to clear up an infected bug bite.

Check your bed bug bite to see if it is infected. Bed bug bites are often bright red and welt-like, but that doesn't necessarily mean that the skin is infected. An infected bite may ooze whitish or yellow pus. It may also be painful instead of merely itchy.

Wash the infected bed bug bite with soap and water.

Swab the bed bug bite with an antiseptic like alcohol or hydrogen peroxide.

Apply an over-the-counter antibiotic cream or ointment to the bite.

Call your doctor if these steps don't control the bed bug infection. You made need a prescription of antibiotics to cure it.

Bed bug infestations can be found in places as wide-ranging as homeless shelters and luxury hotels. These reddish-brown, wingless insects, usually measuring...

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How to Cure Infections Caused by Bed Bugs | eHow

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