How to Recognize Bed Bugs: 4 Steps (with Pictures) – wikiHow

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Bedbugs are tiny insects that feed on the blood of humans and animals.[1] Despite their name, bedbugs do not only live in beds; they can also hide in luggage, couches, and other stored items. Buildings with many occupants, like apartment buildings, hotels, and hospitals, are particularly prone to bed bug infestations. Learning to recognize the following telltale signs will help you identify a bedbug infestation so that you can properly dispose of the pests.





What can I do if I keep finding bed bugs on the bed, and other places, after an exterminator found nothing?

wikiHow Contributor

Get a second opinion. If you keep finding them, then it is apparent that you have them. Get another professional exterminator to treat your home before your home is infested with them.

Can they spread to other beds in the house? And do they look like mosquito bites?

wikiHow Contributor

Yes, they can spread to other beds in the house. They do look very similar to mosquito bites, though some bites are large and others are tiny.

I have only seen one bed bug crawling on my mattress. How do I check to see if there are more?

wikiHow Contributor

If you've seen one, then the probability that you have more than one is high. You need to examine your bedding, mattress, and bed frame very carefully. Look for tiny, brownish-red stains on your sheets and mattress creases. Spray your bed and frame with rubbing alcohol and buy a mattress protector specifically for bedbugs.

I have found a tiny bug in my towels. It is impossible to identify legs or head; it is just a moving thing. There are large numbers of them. What can I do?

wikiHow Contributor

Take pictures and call an exterminator.

I found a bug that was flat with many legs. Was this a bed bug?

wikiHow Contributor

Possibly. Bed bugs are flat, brow and circular-shaped with a "ridged" or layered exoskeleton.

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How to Recognize Bed Bugs: 4 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow

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