Natural Treatment For Bed Bug Bites: What Works and What …

When its too late and you wake up covered in bed bug bites, what can you do? Youve already been bitten and a trip to the ER will most likely net you many hours of sitting around with genuinely sick people. The easy answer is to use some easy home remedies to handle your situation or pick up something at a nearby store to help beat the bed bug bite blues.

What you use really depends on your preferences and how you feel about certain products. Some people wont use product x because it contains ingredient y for example. Heres some tried and true ways to get rid of inflammation, itching and overall discomfort.

Aloe Vera

Aloe has long been one of the most popular cure all plants of all time. It can be used on burns, bites, sunburns and any kind of skin condition. Its even sold in drinkable form not just in special hippie shops but even at your local Wal-Mart. This versatile plant can be bought in a gel or kept whole in your home. You can break off pieces as needed and rub the inside on the affected area.


It sound weird but applying oatmeal to bug bites of all kinds seems to be very effective and has been used for centuries. This can function similar to aloe vera in that you can put oatmeal on any skin ailment to help speed the healing process. Honey is often added and it can be wrapped with cloth or just spread on the entire area.


The old standby to help get swelling down has been and always will be ice or an ice pack. Dont have an icepack? Try a bag of frozen veggies. This almost always helps with itching as well.

OTC Medicines

Even if you prefer all natural remedies, some over the counter stuff can be life saving. Calamine lotion, hydrocortisone cream and campho phenique are some very popular items that arent chemical heavy and really, really help when used as directed. If you live anywhere that has biting insects, you should have one or all of these in your cabinet anyway.

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Natural Treatment For Bed Bug Bites: What Works and What ...

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