8 Home Remedies For Bed Bugs – Natural Treatments & Cure …

Bed bugs are truly natures way of bugging people; the tiny red micro-organisms make life extremely difficult if they infest your home or office. And once they make their presence felt, there is no getting rid of them unless you resort to extreme measures. You will know that there are bed bugs in your living space when you notice red bite marks on your body or on the body of your pets.

But it is important that you begin treating your entire house for bed bugs before they spread further and cause severe forms of infection. It is a fact that bed bugs are hard to eliminate but by performing regular and extreme form of treatment you can get rid of them completely.

There are many remedies that can be done at home to kill the bugs and their eggs; however, the remedies have to be done regularly until the bed bugs are all gone. In this section we will look at some of the best home remedies that are available to us for treating the problem of bed bugs.

Extreme temperature is the enemy of bed bugs and exposing them to direct sunlight will ensure that the bed bugs along with their eggs are eliminated. Spread mattresses, bed sheets, clothes, upholstery, carpets and even soft toys under the sun.Even place your furniture out in the open to expose it to sunlight; many times the bed bugs are found cozily nestled in the cushions of sofas and under the mattresses. This may sound tedious but doing it for a week will get rid of the problematic micro-organisms entirely.

Washing clothes, bed sheets, soft toys and upholstery in very hot water is an excellent way to get rid of the bed bugs completely and in one go. Soak all the infested clothes in extremely hot water in which strong detergent has been mixed.

Soak the clothes for at least an hour and then transfer the contents of the tub into another tub filled with hot water and leave for another hour. Then wash as usual. Hang the clothes to dry under hot sun.While this is the best way of eliminating bed bugs you will not be able to use it on your furniture unless your furniture can withstand the hot water treatment without being spoiled.

Another extreme form of treating the bed bugs is by hot ironing everything that can be ironed in your house. This may not sound like a practical remedy but it is worth the effort. The heat generated from the iron is enough to kill the bed bugs and their eggs. Perform the treatment every day for 15 days to get rid of the bugs forever; however, be careful lest you burn your clothes.

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8 Home Remedies For Bed Bugs - Natural Treatments & Cure ...

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