Home Remedies to Prevent Bed Bugs | eHow

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Adrian Grahams

Adrian Grahams began writing professionally in 1989 after training as a newspaper reporter. His work has been published online and in various newspapers, including "The Cornish Times" and "The Sunday Independent." Grahams specializes in technology and communications. He holds a Bachelor of Science, postgraduate diplomas in journalism and website design and is studying for an MBA.

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The number of bed bug infestations in the United States and Europe is on the climb due to climate change and the popularity of international leisure and business travel. Bed bugs, which nest in bedrooms and other living rooms, come out at night to feed on the blood of sleeping humans and animals. Once established in the home, bed bugs can be difficult to eradicate permanently. Most householders and tenants use chemical insecticides or professional pest controllers to prevent and eliminate bed bugs. Home remedies offer an alternative to insecticides.

Temperatures over 110 degree Fahrenheit kill bed bugs instantly. An effective home remedy to prevent or eradicate bed bug infestations is to box up all affected bed linen or clothing in a sealable, plastic crate and leave it in the trunk of a car. Leave the car in full sunlight for an entire day. In hot climates, you can also leave mattresses, bed frames and other furniture outside in full sunlight to kill any bed bugs dwelling inside.

Washing and drying clothing and bedding on a high temperature will destroy bed bugs. This is particularly useful if you've been on vacation and worry that you may have picked up bed bugs in your clothing. Hot steam treatments with a portable steam cleaner can also kill bed bug eggs on mattresses, preventing a wider infestation. To treat an entire room for bed bugs, place several high-power portable heaters inside the room and turn them up to the highest temperature setting for several hours. Try to seal all cracks and crevices in the room, particularly along the bottom of walls and around electrical sockets to prevent bed bugs from fleeing.

Deploy natural diatomaceous earth against bed bugs as a non-toxic preventative measure. Diatomaceous earth is made from tiny, sharp shell and rock fragments. These stick to the bed bug's hard outer covering and gradually rub it away. This dehydrates the bed bug and eventually kills it. Sprinkle diatomaceous earth around bed frames, furniture, walls and any other cracks and crevices that may harbor bed bug nests. Never use the earth directly on bedding or mattresses, because it can irritate skin.

An unusual home remedy for bed bug prevention and control is to cool the affected room by turning off all heating and opening windows. Wrap a red face cloth around a pocket heating pad and leave this in the middle of the room. Scatter bean leaves or the powder made from a crushed iron supplement pill on the face cloth. Place a hangover cure tablet on a damp sponge a short distance away from the facecloth. The hangover cure tablet slowly releases carbon dioxide and this, along with the aroma from the bean leaves and iron pill and the heat of the warmed flannel, attracts bed bugs. Leave this overnight and then kill the bugs and dispose of the flannel in the morning.

Home Remedies to Prevent Bed Bugs. The number of bed bug infestations in the United States and Europe is on the climb...

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Home Remedies to Prevent Bed Bugs | eHow

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