Natural Herbal Home Remedies for Bed Bug Control | eHow

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Krystal Miller

Krystal Miller began her writing career in 2004. She has created websites and written content for numerous online publications, specializing in topics related to gardening, fitness and health.

Bed bugs are tiny, reddish brown bugs that can be found in beds and mattresses, and will bite humans while they sleep. These bed bugs can get as big as apple seeds and hide in the mattress, box spring and headboard. While it is recommended by Mayo Clinic to hire a professional to get rid of these bugs, there a few home remedies you can try before spending money on these services.

Put rubbing alcohol in a spray bottle and lightly spray over your bed. Do not over-wet the bed. This method will kill the bed bugs on contact, but may not kill all bugs that are hidden in crevices.

Wash all linens, bedding, clothing and any other items you think could be infected in hot water. The water temperature should be at least 120 degrees F to kill the bed bugs.

The heat from your dryer will also kill bed bugs and their eggs. Place items in a dryer on high heat for at least 20 minutes. The clothes can be wet or dry.

Steam is effective for mild cases of bed bugs, where they have not embedded themselves deep into the mattress. The steam needs to come in direct contact with the bugs. Run a steam cleaner over your linens, bedding and clothes to kill any bugs that are visible.

Use your vacuum to clean the bugs off your bed, linens and furniture. If you have attachments on your vacuum that can get down in deep crevices, this works even better.

Bed bugs cannot withstand freezing temperatures and can be exterminated by leaving them in temperatures below 32 degrees F. If the temperature outside is 32 degrees F or below, you can place your items outside for several days. This will kill the bed bugs.

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Natural Herbal Home Remedies for Bed Bug Control | eHow

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