Bed Bugs in New Mexico – Bedbug Extermination in NM

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You may have bed bugs in your bed and not even realize it. This can be a terrifying thought, however you may want to do a few checks and know what the signs are so that you can know for sure. Many people assume that they will see the bugs or at least notice the bite marks, but this may not always be the case. Bed bugs in New Mexico can be very good at hiding, so you may have dozens in your bed and never know.

Many bugs bite to feed on blood. It is how they survive. The bite mark, however is small because so are they. The bite typically causes an allergic reaction on the skin, so that is what usually alerts people to a problem red, itchy marks. This said, some people do not have a reaction, so unless they are hunting around on their skin for little fang marks, they will never see anything.

If you do not have a bite mark and you do not see any bugs, though, you are still not in the clear. Since the bugs feed, they also produce feces, which mean you can find fecal matter on your mattress or box spring where they reside during the day. Bedbugs in New Mexico leave behind some of the blood that has not been digested all the way. It will be dark red or black and if you try to wipe it, it smears. While it is not a very pretty sight, it is an excellent indicator.

So now you know that you most likely have bugs in your home. Do not freak out and start sleeping in another room or throw out your bedding. This may not get rid of the problem and could only make it worse. If you sleep in another room, they will likely follow. If you throw out your bedding, they could still be in your room.

First, understand that they got there most likely because you were traveling. Bed bugs in New Mexico hotels are common. If you stayed in a motel or hotel recently, they likely stowed away in your luggage. Next time you stay at a hotel, keep your luggage stored as far from the bed as possible.

They are in your house now, though, so it is time to call a New Mexico bed bug extermination company. Bed bug exterminators are the only sure way to get rid of the bed bugs because they have the experience and chemicals to kill them. You will be able to rest easy knowing that they are completely out of your home.

Our exterminators can help you with:

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Bed Bugs in New Mexico - Bedbug Extermination in NM

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