Bed Bug Removal Phoenix, Arizona | Bed Bugs Services

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Bed Bug Removal Services in Phoenix Arizona

Bed bug infestations are exploding throughout the Phoenix Metro area. You can get rid of bed bugs, but they are a difficult pest to control for a variety of reasons. For most infestations, a professional exterminator that utilizes the proper treatment techniques and products is needed to get them out of your home. Understanding a few basics about bed bugs will assist Blue Sky in helping you to get them out of your home and reduce the chances of having them brought back into the home.

Bed bugs are often referred to as hitchhikers. They hitchhike on old furniture, luggage, clothes, boxes and other items that are brought into the home. Since they are so small, replicate quickly (a female lays 5-7 eggs per day) and hide in a variety of areas they often go undetected until a sizable population is established. Bed bugs bite and suck blood from humans. They are most active at night and normally bite uncovered areas of the body (arms, neck, legs and face).

As mentioned above, most infestations require treatments from a pest control expert. Blue Sky Pest Control is effective at eliminating bed bugs because we have a thorough treatment process that utilizes the most advanced techniques and products. Blue Sky also provides a detailed listing of steps to take to prepare for the treatments. Following these steps is a critical part of getting the bed bugs out of the home. Call us at 480-635-8492 for a quote on service.

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Bed Bug Removal Phoenix, Arizona | Bed Bugs Services

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