Bed Bug Control Services in Phoenix AZ | Watts Pest Prevention

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As if you needed something else to worry about, Bed Bugs, those pests from the old bedtime rhyme are making a comeback! These pesky little suckers, or Bed Bugs, are showing up to suck blood from people and their pets through glands in their heads secreting anticoagulants keeping the hosts (your!) blood vessels or capillaries dilated, thereby keeping the (your!) blood flowing!

At WATTS Pest Prevention, we noted the resurgence of Bed Bugs since the mid-1990s. Because Bed Bugs hide in small crevices, they can hitch a ride into your home on luggage, pets, furniture, clothing, boxes, and other objects. As Bed Bugs can be carried on ones person or their belongings to work or other destinations; the list of locations vulnerable to Bed Bug infestation is virtually endless. Bed Bugs are found worldwide; once rare in North America, they may be on the rise due, in part, to an increase in international travel.

Why be concerned? In addition to the information listed above, Bed Bugs have been found to carry the causative agents (pathogens) for several diseases, including anthrax, plague, tularemia, yellow fever, relapsing fever, and typhus. Bed Bugs certainly reduce the quality of life for those living in infested premises by causing discomfort, anxiety, and lack of sleep. Let a WATTS Pest Prevention technician take care of this concern for you.

Your WATTS Pest Prevention technicians are trained on both Bed Bug basics and the latest control techniques.

Preventing Bed Bug Recurrence:

Your WATTS Pest Prevention technician will be involved closely with you to educate you regarding Bed Bug Control, ensuring you are aware of what you must do to assist us with a successful plan. This will include tips that only you, as the homeowner, can ensure are completed. Some things your WATTS Pest Prevention technician will do as part of our Integrated Pest Management (IPM) plan.

Treating Bed Bug Infestations:

Bed Bug Control must be thorough and your cooperation enlisted in removing any Bed Bug harborage. A systematic and integrated process for achieving long-term, environmentally sound Bed Bug management must incorporate numerous chemical and non-chemical tools to achieve success. Your WATTS Pest Prevention technician is licensed by the State of Arizona and has been specially trained in the safe use of all products necessary to take care of your Bed Bug control problem. This combination of approaches is generally known as Integrated Pest Management (IPM) and is the approach used by WATTS Pest Prevention.

WATTS Pest Prevention looks forward to serving you and servicing your property!

Refer to the Pest Control page for D.I.Y. Prevention Tips for Bed Bugs Phoenix Arizona!

Originally posted here:
Bed Bug Control Services in Phoenix AZ | Watts Pest Prevention

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