Bed Bugs Control in New York

The Big Apple is getting infested! There are bed bugs in New York and there are taking over. Get the facts on these nocturnal pests and how one can get rid of them quickly and permanently.

"Sleep tight, don't let the bed bugs bite?"

It's no joke; millions of people living in New York and its surrounding cities aren't sleeping tight because bed bugs are biting.These seed-size insects are feasting on the blood of helpless sleepers and infesting hotels, offices, luxury condos to dilapidated, multi-family homes, from public schools to theaters to department stores.

Bed Bug Facts

Once believed to be eradicated in the United States during the 1950s, bed bugs are making a big comeback in many states, including New York City. Entomologists say the pests are reappearing due to an increases in international travel and the ban on certain bug pesticides, like DDT, that were once used to treat bed bugs.

Flat, reddish-brown and wingless, the common bed bugs tend to hide in mattress where their victims sleep and are attracted to carbon dioxide and body heat. Though they are are not strictly nocturnal, they are most active at night which explains why they attack when most of the victims are sleeping.

While bed bug bitescan cause redness, itching and allergic reactions in some people, however according to Mayo Clinic, there are no evidence to suggest that bed bugs transmit disease.

Evidences also suggest that the typical life span of a bed bug is about 12 to 18 months and they are able to live for several months without feeding on a host.

Bed Bug Statistics in New York

According to a new 2012report in PR Newswire, New York City has been named the third most bed bug infested cities in the United States.

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Bed Bugs Control in New York

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