Daily Archives: February 18, 2024

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 22nd of July 2024 17:00 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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A NEW hard-to-kill species of bed bugs may explain why US and 50 other … trends now –

A NEW hard-to-kill species of bed bugs may explain why US and 50 other ... trends now

A new harder-to-kill species of bed bug is invading the US, experts say and may already have taken up residence in many northern cities.

Once confined to countries near the equator, the species known as Cimex hemipterus or the tropical bed bug has already been confirmed in Florida and Hawaii.

Unlike the common bed bug, the blood-sucking insect is resistant to virtually all insecticides likely thanks to their rampant overuse against mosquitoes.

Its body composition means it is also able to evade traps like smooth-walled pitfall traps, which are set up underneath bed legs to catch the critters.

It comes as outbreaks of the pest are rising in as many as 50 countries.Across the US, the cities experiencing the most outbreaks are in the Mid-West.

Chicago, New York and Philadelphia residents should inspect their mattresses as experts report their cities ranked first, second and third for bed bugs in 2023. The new findings were built off economic data from both residential and commercial bed bug treatments

Bedbugs are not disease carriers, but being bitten by one causes itchy red welts on the skin similar to poison ivy

Entomologists at the University of California, Riverside, revealed the worrying spread of the blood-sucking critter in an article published in the Annual Review of Entomology.

While nearly all cases were restricted to deprived areas of Africa and Asia after the mass use of insecticides nearly eradicated them in the wake of the Second World War, the insects have now 'resurged' and spread back into parts of Europe and America.

Researchers say the tropical bedbug was spotted in Florida in 2016 for the first time in 60 years, and then in Hawaii where it was reported in 2020.

Researchers fear, however, that heating and air con keeping buildings at constant temperatures year-round and the sudden return to pre-pandemic travel and more people traveling may have fueled the spread alongside resistance to insecticides.

Cases of the insects being detected as far north as Russia and Norway suggest they are now able to survive in colder areas, they said.

There are also fears that the pest could carry and transmit more harmful diseases between humans, possibly including hepatitis.

The scientists, including Dr Chow-Yang Lee, from the University of California, Riverside, said: 'Most bed bug control products were developed for [the common bed bug], with the assumption that they would also work on [the tropical bed bug].

'However, biological differences between the species are being discovered that have implications for the management of [the tropical bed bug].

'A recent study demonstrated that [the tropical bed bug] readily escapes from pitfall traps that contain [the

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A NEW hard-to-kill species of bed bugs may explain why US and 50 other ... trends now -

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EPA Commits $100K to Addressing Bed Bugs in Rural Alaska – Washington Examiner

Rural Alaska is well known for its wolves, bears, and moose, but the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has set its sights on a considerably smaller creature: the bed bug. The EPA is prepared to award a grantof up to $100,000 to helpAlaska Native Village communities to right bed bug infestations by break[ing] down barriers to effective bed bug management.

The project, expected to last two years beginning in October 2015, will be a test case and resource for similar programs elsewhere in Alaska. The grant proposal lists four main goals:

-Identify appropriate roles of various organizations and regulatory agencies with respect to bed bugs -Identify the bed bug treatment, education, and outreach services needed in rural Alaska -Provide communities in rural Alaska with effective tools and accurate information to address bed bugs when an infestation occurs -Use integrated pest management principles in the approach to dealing with bed bugs

Specific activities may include creating culturally appropriate educational materials, providing supplies such as interceptors, laundry bags, developing a village action plan to deal with outbreaks, and identify[ing] how pesticides for bed bugs are being used and disposed of throughout the state.

The Alaska Dispatch Newsreportedlast year that the prevalence of bed bugs was up significantly in the past decade:

In Anchorage, the city logged 68 bed bug complaints in 2013, a decrease from the 84 in 2012. There was just one complaint in 2007 and 2008 combined, according to city data

In 2013, Pied Piper Pest Control, with branches in Fairbanks and Juneau, sold more than $30,000 in retail products to fight bed bugs. Up 1,000 percent from 2008, he said.

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EPA Commits $100K to Addressing Bed Bugs in Rural Alaska - Washington Examiner

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North Carolina cities in top 25 areas for bed bugs – Spectrum News

CHARLOTTE, N.C. Charlotte ranks ninth on Orkin's 2024 list of the top 50 cities with the most bed bugs, based on the pest control company'streatment data tracked from December 2022 to November 2023.

Across the country, Greensboro ranks 18th and the Raleigh-Durham area ranks 24th on the list.

Bed bugs are considered a traveling pest, hitching a ride on luggage, clothes, purses and backpacks, making their way into hotels and homes.

Jay Patel is co-founder of Hotel Refugein Charlotte. With a 100 sanitation rating hanging on the wall in the five-room pilot hotel, he says he and the staff work hard to ensure bed bugs and other pests and rodents are something guests don't encounter.

"We're comfortable knowing it's not a dangerous or harmful pest, but nevertheless, we do our best to make sure nobody ever has to interact with them," Patel said.

The hotel operator says in the rare event a guest brings in bed bugs, that room and any rooms beside the infested one, would be out of service until the room is treated.

Patel says his staff check for bed bugs as part of standard protocol, like changing the sheets between guests. Each room has a protective mattress cover and mattress pad underneath the fitted sheet.

"There is a zipper that goes around the corner, and so nothing can kind of get in and out of this getting as many levels of barriers as we can," Patel said.

He says when checking into hotels, or at home, people can check the corner creases and seams of the mattress, which is where bed bugs hang out during the day before exploring the other areas of the mattress at night.

"Once you can clear that, you generally can be rest assured that there's nothing in that sleeping area," Patel said.

Orkin recommends following the acronym S.L.E.E.P. when staying in hotels:

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North Carolina cities in top 25 areas for bed bugs - Spectrum News

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