Bed bugs discovered in the Finance Building in Capitol …

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Beds bugs have been discovered in a ground floor office suite assigned to the Treasury Department in the Finance Building.

A few bugs were initially discovered last week in the small confined area, said Treasury spokesman Gary Tuma. Exterminators were brought in last Wednesday evening to fumigate that room.

But the problem didn't go away.

A few more bed bugs were found on Monday and Tuesday of this week, prompting the department to have the exterminators return to perform another treatment of the same area on Tuesday evening.

Forty-four people work in that bureau, which Tuma declined to name.

"We believe we've identified the source and we are taking measures to address the problem in both our office and at its source," Tuma said. He declined to be more specific about the source of the problem, citing human resources restraints.

Nevertheless, Treasury and the Department of General Services will continue monitoring the situation and will take additional steps if necessary, he said.

He said staff in the affected area were informed of the problem once it was discovered last week and have been briefed on developments since then. A decision was made to alert all Treasury employees to the problem around mid-day Wednesday because more of the bugs were spotted this week, Tuma said.

Bed bugs are not known to transmit diseases but their bites can cause pain and itching.

In 2012, a bed bug infestation was reported at the Department of Labor and Industry building. Two years before, the Pennsylvania Higher Education Assistance Agency had a report of bed bugs. Several school buildings since then also have had problems with them.

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Bed bugs discovered in the Finance Building in Capitol ...

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