Bed Bugs | Eco Pest Control of Michigan

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Bedbugs (Cimex lectularius) are humanparasites since they (mostly) feed on human blood. Adult bed bugs are reddish brown in color. They range in size from 1mm 7mm. If they havent eaten, theywill be flat oval in shape like an apple seed. You can tell they have fed onsomeones blood recently if they are inflated like a balloon, and are unusuallylong.

Nymphs (younger stages of bed bugs) will besmaller, translucent and whitish-yellow in color. Bed bugs do not fly or jump.They crawl and can be fast when they want to be.

Bedbugs are active mostly at night. During the daytime, they prefer to hide closeto where we sleep, rest or sit for long periods of time. Overall bed bugs wantto be as lazy as possible. It is not uncommon for hungry bed bugs to feed atany time of the day depending on our sleep schedule.

Bedbugs are not a sign of dirtiness. Bed bugs are not picky of who or what theyhitch a ride on. They are looking for the perfect conditions for them. Accessto a regular blood meal and temperatures in a range of 70-80 F. They dont careof theyre going back to a million dollar house on the water in Fort Gratiot ora small downtown apartment in Port Huron, Michigan.

Asbed bugs grow they molt five times shedding their outer exoskeleton before becomingan adult. A blood meal is needed between each stage. Adult females must feed tolay their eggs. After they mate, females lay oval white eggs about 1/16long in cracks and crevices. Usually, the eggs will hatch in 6-10 days to newlyemerging nymphs. Females can lay hundreds of eggs in her lifetime.

Adultbed bugs can survive up to a year without a blood meal as younger nymphs canonly survive for days to months. This makes them unique compared to otherinsects.

Unlike fleas that like to bite mostly on your feet, ankles, and legs bed bugs feed on any skin exposed while sleeping. It is common to find sets of 3 bites more in a zig-zag pattern. After having their blood meal, they retreat to a secluded location to digest their meal.

Manypeople develop an itchy red welt within a day or so of a bed bug bite.Everyones reaction is different, and symptom after being bitten vary fromperson to person. Some people do not react at all. Other times the reaction isdelayed for days.

Studiessuggest about 30% of people do not react even when bitten repeatedly over time.

Bed bugs often arise from nowhere. In most cases, our clients are not entirely sure how they got them. Bed bugs usually enter your home hitchhiking a ride on luggage, used furniture, backpacks, purses, on someones clothing.

Unfortunately, you can pick up bed bugs almost anywhere. You can get bed bugs from everyday locations from public transportation to movie theaters, and of course hotels and motels. Even just visiting a family member or friends house. Alternatively, a friend, co-workers or family member stopping by that has them.

Wherelocated in Port Huron, Michigan and the most common is picking up used itemsoff the street or traveling and bringing them back with you in your luggage.

Give us a call today to find out ways we can help you handle your bed bug problem.810-728-5858

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Bed Bugs | Eco Pest Control of Michigan

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