Bed Bugs | Ladybug Pest Control | Northwest Arkansas

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Getting rid of bed bugs requires treatment by a pest control expert. Lady Bug uses a variety of Eco-Friendly products to eradicate bed bugs. These must be applied to all areas where the bugs are observed as well as spaces where they may crawl or hide.

Bed bugs can live in any furniture, clothing, or bedding, so they may be present in used furniture or clothing. We recommend only buying used furniture from someone you know, who will disclose if they have bed bugs or not. Bed Bugs spread by crawling and may contaminate multiple rooms in a home or even multiple dwellings in apartment buildings. They may also be present in boxes, suitcases, or other goods that are moved from residence to residence or from a hotel to home. Bed bugs can live on clothing from infested homes and may be spread by a person unknowingly wearing infested clothing.

Since the bed bugs can arrive on the clothing or in the suitcases of guests from infested homes or other hotels harboring the pests, hotels can be an easy target for bed bug infestations.

Many news reports have focused on the discovery of bed bugs in upscale hotels, and a number of lawsuits have been filed by guests in these fashionable hotels who awoke to find hundreds of bed bug bites covering their skin. Searching on travel-review web sites regularly reveals information and even photos confirming the presence of bed bugs in numerous hotels.

You can also inspect your hotel room and bed before staying the night, pulling off the bed sheets. Look around the mattress corners for evidence of bed bugs or their fecal material ( black pepper looking speckles ). To reduce your risk of transporting them home, keep your suitcase on the luggage rack and off the floor, and do not put your clothes in the drawers.

Bed bugs bite and suck blood from humans. Bed bugs are most active at night and bite any exposed areas of skin while an individual is sleeping. The face, neck, hands, and arms are common sites for bed bug bites. The bite itself is painless and is not noticed. Small, flat, or raised bumps on the skin are the most common sign; redness, swelling, and itching commonly occur. If scratched, the bite areas can become infected. A peculiarity of bed bug bites is the tendency to find several bites lined up in a row.

Get peace of mind and protect your family with our bed bug treatment system.

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Bed Bugs | Ladybug Pest Control | Northwest Arkansas

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