Two Men Set House on Fire in an Attempt to Get Rid of Bed Bugs, Suggests a Safer Bed Bug Treatment

Two men in Indianapolis ended up with a burned house after they attempted to get rid of bed bugs in their chairs and couch by setting them up on fire. For a safer bed bug treatment, suggested the use of a pesticide-exempt bed bug spray instead.

Cincinnati, OH (PRWEB) March 23, 2012

As said in the report, the fire happened at about 11:30 in the morning. It took 11 fire crews to put out the burning house which was located at 900 block of Lexington Avenue. The flames left the property owners $15 000 worth of damages.

The two men said to have tried to eliminate the bed bugs in their three couches and two chairs by setting the furniture pieces on fire at their backyard. Their choice of bed bug treatment though proved to be more of a problem than help as the flames quickly caught their house nearby. And despite their efforts to put out the flame, their home still continued to blaze.

Read more about House Burned Due to Fiery Bed Bug Treatment from

It has long been established that bed bugs can cause of a lot problems. However, their recent surge in number proves to be too much to handle for many of their victims, especially to those who don't know how to properly get rid of them. Take, for example, the two men from Indianapolis who accidentally burned their house while trying to eliminate bed bugs.

According to the report, the house was located at 900 block of Lexington Avenue. Monday morning at 11:33 am, fire crews went to the said location to put out the blazing home. But though the fire died out soon after, sadly for the owners, it left $15 000 worth of damages.

It was said that the fire started after the two men dragged three couches and two chairs into their backyard and set them on fire. They meant to kill the bed bugs on the items. However, despite their effort to put it out, the fire quickly lit their home in flames.

Read more about Bed Bug Elimination Set House Ablaze

An attempt to exterminate bed bugs led to a house fire in the Fountain Square area of Indianapolis Monday.

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Two Men Set House on Fire in an Attempt to Get Rid of Bed Bugs, Suggests a Safer Bed Bug Treatment

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