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  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Monday 22nd of July 2024 16:38 PM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Why Do Bed Bugs Even Exist? Discover Their Purpose in the … – AZ Animals

Other than to drive you absolutely bananas, what is a bed bugs environmental purpose? To begin with, its a common misconception that there is a direct correlation between bed bugs and a filthy environment. There isnt. Bed bugs are just as happy to move in beneath Egyptian cotton sateen as they are cotton dipped in motor oil.

Its commonly understood that bed bugs have no reason to exist. There are no predators that consume them. They do not pollinate and they offer no distinguishing benefit to their surrounding environment. They simply do two thingseat and make more bed bugs.

So, a bed bugs environmental purpose is nothing, at least insofar as all of the knowledge we have of them and their interactions with life and their surroundings. While that may sound cruel, its not a question of eradication, simply one of non-purpose. However, if you look for anything hard enough, you often find something you didnt expect.

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When asked if he could have a magic wand, would he wave it and make all bed bugs disappear, Mickey Eubanks, a Texas A&M insect ecologist said, Id wave it twice, just to be sure. As far as spiders and other predatory arachnids or insects are concerned, going after bedbugs is a waste of time.

Thats not to say that bedbugs dont end up as meals for spiders but it is to say that the spiders could do without. Life on this planet is a series of cycles, most of which are easy enough to decipher by simply observing our natural environment. The problem with bed bugs is, there is no observable cycle in relation to their environment.

However, like most other species on earth, a bed bugs environmental purpose is a cycle of self-interested survivability.

Bed bugs want what almost every living creature on earth wantsfood, shelter, and a source of water. If you can provide those things, bed bugs will move right on in and happily unpack their suitcases. So, from the point of view of having a purpose, a bed bugs purpose is to survive.

Its the things that bed bugs do to survive that drive us crazy, such as infesting beds, the cracks, and crevices in bed frames, couch cushions, and basically any upholstery that isnt leather or some variation of it.

Looking at a bed bugs environmental purpose from the PoV of the bed bug, it loves to reproduce. In fact, bed bugs reproduce at an insane rate if they arent discovered and summarily destroyed. If a female bed bug gets a bite to eat at her favorite fast food restaurant (otherwise known as a part of your body), she can begin the reproductive process.

The female bed bug is capable of producing between 1 and 7 eggs per day for ten days, so long as she has access to blood a single time. Thats between 10 and 70 eggs in a little over a week. Since the female bed bug lives for up to a year, she can lay a ton of eggs. Also, thats just one female.

Males also get pretty boisterous about mating after they have a blood meal. Unfortunately, the type of mating bed bugs engage in looks like the scene of a homicide. The male bed bug quite literally gashes the female open to insert the sperm. The female will then use this sperm to continually fertilize eggs as she creates them.

This means the female can go without a male for a long time, simply relying on the inseminated sperm to continually fertilize new batches of eggs as she produces them.

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Theres not much to add to this other than the fact that bed bugs are not a part of the all-important act of pollination. Without pollination, its likely that the planet would not exist as it does today. In fact, many scientists believe that life on Earth would come to an end, with the food chain broken.

Since bed bugs dont contribute to crop pollination, of which 75% of the entire planets supply requires pollination, theyre irrelevant to the potential apocalypse.

Here is where most of the argument over the necessity of bed bugs takes place. As for a bed bugs environmental purpose, some believe that they are an important part of the food chain, where spiders are concerned. Others believe that spiders wouldnt suffer a bit if all the bed bugs in the world vanished overnight.

It would be like taking corn dogs out of the freezer, with all of your other frozen foods remaining. The corn dogs arent exactly good for you anyway. The argument against a bed bugs part in the food chain is a simple onethey only propagate in a relatively obscure and secluded environment (aka your bed).

Bed bugs play no role in the control of other species because they dont go after any other species. They only prefer to feast on human beings (at least for the most part). Unless they happen to transfer some wild disease, they may aggravate humans but certainly dont kill them.

The running theory is that bed bugs are descendants of bat bugs, the latter of which decided (way back when human beings were finger painting in caves) that human beings were far more tasty than bats. At some point, these bed bug ancestors made the decision to stick with humans exclusively and the rest is history.

One thing that bed bugs havent done over the passage of thousands and thousands of years is change much. Why bother? Humans are yummy and readily available. Unfortunately, that also means that bed bugs havent become an important and inseparable part of the food chain either.

All they do is eat, breed, and come back for seconds.

One argument that can be made in favor of the existence of a bed bugs environmental purpose is the spreading of disease. That sounds weird, however, were applying purpose to bed bugs and (outside of possible meals for spiders) there simply isnt much to go on.

Once upon a time, it was assumed that bed bugs didnt really pass on any diseases, at least not anything truly debilitating. A study conducted by the American Journal of Tropical Medicine and Hygiene changed all of that.

The study found that Trypanosoma cruzi, a type of parasite capable of spreading Chagas disease, can spread to human beings via bed bug infestations and bites. Basically, the bed bug delivers the vehicle and the vehicle delivers the payload. Chagas disease is deadly, killing upwards of 50k people each year.

Though it sounds ghastly, you might say that a bed bugs environmental purpose is assistance in population control.

Theres very little in the way of scientific evidence that the existence of bed bugs serves a necessary purpose. If they all vanished overnight, we and the animals we share this planet with would go on living just as we always have. In fact, many of us would go on living in a more comfortable state, especially at bedtime.

While that kind of determination wont blow anyones socks off, its nice to know that bed bugs arent exactly a crucial necessity. Sure, spiders eat them. But, thats the equivalent of having a lone snack in the refrigerator that no one else likes. Its all thats left so you might as well dig in.

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Why Do Bed Bugs Even Exist? Discover Their Purpose in the ... - AZ Animals

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I’m an expert and these are five signs you have bed bugs in your home or hotel room – Daily Mail

Far from a figment of your childhood nightmares, bed bugs are as real as they come.

Their bite - which leaves behind red, itchy rashes - isn't for the faint hearted so it's best to acquaint yourself with warning signs.

Bedroom furniture expert at Online Bedrooms, Nic Shacklock, explained that prevention is better than cure, and it's best to get ahead of the problem.

From 'strange' smells to small white spots on your bedding, here are five signs you could have bed bugs in your home or hotel room.

Bed bugs are tiny brown insects that feed on blood, usually at night.

The troublesome critters are known to hide in places like bed frames, mattresses, clothing, furniture and even behind pictures.

A key indicator of an infestation is a musty odour whenever they are around in large numbers,Nic told the Sun..

Although hotel rooms and homes have a distinct smell, Nic advises you put your nose to the test.

He explained: 'If the bedroom area has a strong, musty and unpleasant odour this could possibly come from a bed bug's scent glands'.

If the area doesn't smell right, investigate and take action right away. You can also check the room for other signs on the list.

One sure sign you have a bed bug invasion, is the sight of clusters of tiny white spots.

Look out for the bed bug eggs which are small in size and white in colour, and can be smooth and pearly to the touch.

Although bed bug eggs can be found as single eggs, they are most often in clusters.

They are similar in size to a grain of salt and are shaped like a barrel, so when scattered across a white mattress they can be exceptionally difficult to spot.

Consider keeping your room cool as the lower the temperature, the longer it may take for an egg to hatch.

Bed bug eggs normally hatch within 10 days, so get rid of them before they hatch.

Specks of blood around your bed is one of the earliest signs your room has been invaded by bed bugs.

They are unlikely to pester you in the day time, and usually only come out when you're asleep at night.

Blood spots may appear when you inadvertently squash a bed bug by rolling around in your bed, as when this happens they release a lot of blood.

However,if the bug hasn't recently fed, you might see a yellowish-brown smear of bed bug organs instead.

Check your comforters, bedsheets and pillows for small dots or stains which are reddish-brown in colour.

Bed bug bites can be stressful and extremely itchy, but they are not known to transmit diseases.

If you fail to spot the critters lurking nearby, red marks or rashes on your body could be an indicator that they are indeed present, warns expert Nic.

He added: 'The bites will often form a straight line across a part of your body, this is a hallmark bed bug trait'.

Wash your sheets every week

Wash sheets separate to clothes and towel, spot cleaning and marks before washing. Use hot water and a hot dryer if there are mites

Duvets, comforters and throw blankets that have less contact with your skin can be washed every month or two

Pillows and doonas should be cleaned every six months and replaced every two years

Getting rid of bed bugs: As their eggs are difficult to see, and have a long incubation period it can be tricky ridding your home of a bed bug infestation

A combination of non-chemical and chemical treatments may be needed

Bed bugs can bite anywhere on the body where there is skin, especially areas exposed during sleep such as the neck, face, hands, hands and arms.

The bites can bleed for some time after the bug has finished feeding, leaving residue on your sheets.

The NHSstates that bed bug bites usually clear up on their own within a week, but to alleviate irritation try placing something cool like a clean damp cloth on the bite.

Mild steroid cream like hydrocortisone cream or antihistamines can also ease itching.

Bed bug droppings are one of the number one signs the insects are in your home.

They are usually dark brown or black in colour like black ink, and easily smear when wiped away.

Their droppings remain the same size, shape, and colour and are mostly made up of dried blood.

Check your bedsheets, mattresses, headboard and even the edge of the carpet for their droppings.

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I'm an expert and these are five signs you have bed bugs in your home or hotel room - Daily Mail

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New study finds tips to prevent bedbugs – Mainstreet Daily News Gainesville

Following the recent news that bedbug cases are rising in the US, as we enter the summer vacation season, this study by Excel Pest Services helps hotel guests to be aware of pests in hotels including an analysis of where US citizens are most at risk of serious hotel-borne diseases.

Although California has the greatest number of reported bed bug incidents in total (with a huge 2,684 reported since 2006), proportionally the Big Apple is the US bed-bug capital, with more than triple the number of hotel bed-bug incidents listed as there are hotels.

Ohio has an incident per 1.6 hotels and then New Jersey which has an incident per 1.7 hotels. The states where you are least likely to check out with bed bug bites are Idaho, Alaska and Montana all with under a 7% ratio of bed bug reports to the number of hotels.

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To see how your state ranks, check out the infographic below.

Cockroaches, rodents and bed bugs are prevalent pests encountered in hotels. The combination of factors such as easy access to food, high guest turnover, easy access to food and insufficient preventive measures contributes to an environment where hotels face an elevated risk of attracting infestations.

According to the study, "the hotel industry in Florida is a significant sector due to the states popularity as a tourist destination, providing a range of accommodations from luxury resorts to budget-friendly options. However, the warm climate and unique weather conditions in Florida pose challenges when it comes to pest management for hotels.

"Common pests that hotels in Florida struggle with include bedbugs, rodents, cockroaches, and termites. The heat and humidity in the Sunshine State create an environment conducive to the survival and proliferation of these pests. The states coastal location and subtropical climate also provide an attractive habitat for pests. Hotels in Florida need to invest in rigorous pest control measures, including regular inspections, proactive maintenance, and pest management programs, to ensure a comfortable and pest-free experience for their guests."

Top tips to avoid checking out without a bite Ryan Fowley shares his top tips for hoteliers and guests to prevent or spot an infested hotel room.

New study finds tips to prevent bedbugs - Mainstreet Daily News Gainesville

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