Daily Archives: October 15, 2022

  World, Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 24th of April 2024 07:13 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bug Transmit Disease

Bed Bug Bites Transmit Disease

Bedbug DatabaseDo bed bugs carry disease? Well, bed bugs carry 24 known pathogens, according to Baumann. Do bed bugs transmit disease? Nope, bed bug bites won't make you sick unless, of course, the bites get infected. Baumann says that the World Health Organization (WHO) conducted research in Africa which produced no documentation that the little ankle biters can transmit disease.

Mosquitos, on the other hand, can carry plenty of creepy crud like malaria and West Nile disease, which they transmit to you via science fiction-like needle nose. (Yeah, ewww. We didn't ask for the proboscis probe.) bed bugs do feed on blood, but they don't spread AIDS or other blood-borne illnesses. (In fact, no bugs spread AIDS, according to Baumann. That's not to say bed bugs and bed bug bites aren't a disgusting drag.

Bedbug DatabaseBedbug DatabaseBed bugs seem to possess all of the necessary prerequisites for being capable of passing diseases from one host to another, but there have been no known cases of bed bugs passing disease from host to host. There are at least twenty-seven known pathogens (some estimates are as high as forty-one) that are capable of living inside a bed bug or on its mouthparts. Extensive testing in laboratory settings concludes that bed bugs are unlikely to pass disease from one person to another. Therefore bed bugs are less dangerous than some more common insects such as the flea. Bed bugs cannot give you a disease like AIDS. This is one of the first things many people become worried about when they get bitten, which makes sense given how many things you hear you can get from other insects like mosquitoes. Bed bugs, however, won't transmit anything to you. They often have diseases inside them, but for whatever reason people don't catch them from a bed bug.

Bed Bug Transnmit Diseases Since bedbugs are parasites that feed on human blood as well as feeding on blood of other mammals, asking ourselves whether bedbugs transmit diseases is only natural. After all, mosquitoes live off human blood and depending on the strain of mosquito; they transmit diseases such as malaria, encephalitis, and dengue fever. Fleas live off human blood as well as blood from other animals and they transmit bubonic plague. What's more, bedbugs do carry human viral and bacterial agents that can theoretically cause diseases. Bedbugs also carry protozoa and parasitic worms. In furtherance, bedbugs leave fecal droppings (spots) in areas they occupy. This includes mattresses, sheets, blankets, and could even include people's pajamas or body partsbed bugscrawl on.

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Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs? | Terminix

Bed bugs may be one of the most difficult household pests to get rid of. These small, brownish-black insects are expert hitchhikers, and they usually make their way into homes by stowing away in luggage, backpacks, purses and other personal items. And while bed bug populations had dwindled in the United States by the 1940s and 1950s, increasing travel has led to a resurgence in their numbers.

Once bed bugs are in your home, they'll make themselves comfortable anywhere you do. That includes your furniture and, of course, your bed. They're often found in cracks, crevices and seams in upholstered furniture, mattresses and box springs. Bed bugs may also be found hiding in your carpet or rugs, wall dcor, books, nightstands or even electronics.

Bed bugs feed on blood. They use signals, including body heat, warmth and carbon dioxide, to find hosts. Usually, they emerge from their hiding places to feed at night, then retreat after their meals are complete.

If you have bed bugs in your home, you may be tempted to try to get rid of them yourself. There are several DIY methods, including rubbing alcohol, that supposedly kill bed bugs. But do they actually work?

It might seem like rubbing alcohol is a good way to get rid of bed bugs. In fact, many DIY blogs claim that it works. However, it's not all it's cracked up to be. Here's why:

While DIY methods are largely ineffective against bed bugs, there are a few things you can do to help the situation if you find these unwelcome pests in your home. Some proven methods include:

Frequent laundering can help kill bed bugs. Collect any infested clothing or linens and run them in a wash cycle at the highest temperature recommended by the manufacturer. Then dry them at the highest allowed temperature. Be sure to follow all manufacturers' instructions.

Your vacuum is an effective method of getting bed bugs out of your furniture, upholstery or carpet. However, you should take care to protect your vacuum so it doesn't become infested while you get rid of the insects. Try using the nozzle attachment and covering it with a stocking. When you've finished, be sure you empty the vacuum container or bag into a sealed bag, and then dispose of it in a sealed garbage can.

High temperatures are extremely effective against bed bugs. According to Rutgers University, steam, which is around 212 degrees Fahrenheit, will kill bed bugs instantly. Consider purchasing a steamer and using it to treat cracks, crevices and seams in your furniture, bedding or other upholstered surfaces.

Bed bug encasements are protective liners for your mattress and box spring. They help with bed bug problems by sealing your bed and preventing the insects from hiding and/or nesting there. They can also trap any bed bugs already present, helping you identify an infestation and seek further treatment.

Although it won't kill them, you can help deter beg bugs by eliminating their hiding places. Keep items off the floor, keep clutter away from your bed and store items in sealed plastic containers.

Because bed bugs are so difficult to get rid of, eliminating them is a job best left to the professionals. Trying DIY methods like rubbing alcohol will only leave you frustrated when the bugs initially disappear but return days or weeks later.

The bed bug control professionals at Terminix will do a free inspection of your home, checking for signs of bed bugs in common hiding places. From there, they'll treat affected areas to eliminate hidden bed bugs and their eggs. Our technicians use a variety of methods to help get your problem under control.

Don't let bed bugs keep you up at night. Schedule your free inspection with Terminix today.

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Does Alcohol Kill Bed Bugs? | Terminix

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