Bed Bugs Control – Services in Puerto Rico & Dominican …

You may have read that bed bug infestations are becoming increasingly common throughout the world. If you have experienced a bed bug infestation, you know how difficult they can be to eliminate completely.

Bed bugs are small, about the size of an apple seed. They are reddish-brown in color and will appear swollen and redder after a meal. Bed bugs drink blood and are attracted to body heat. While bed bugs can live up to a year between meals, they prefer to eat every couple of days.

Although bed bugs are small, adults can be seen with the naked eye. Here are some signs to look for to identify a bed bug infestation:

Unlike their blood-sucking cousins, mosquitoes, bed bugs are not known to spread disease and are therefore more of a nuisance than a threat to your health. That being said, some people can experience an allergic reaction to bed bug bites.

Furthermore, since bed bug bites are so itchy, it is possible to develop a secondary skin infection from excessive scratching. Additionally, the disruption in the quality of your sleep that the anxiety of a bed bug infestation causes should not be taken lightly.

Since bed bugs subsist only on blood, cleanliness is not a factor in preventing or eliminating an infestation. Even the poshest five-star hotels can be home to bed bugs. Because bed bugs can live for up to a year without eating, removing them completely can be a serious task. The steps below can help with an infestation.

While cleaning the infested area is helpful in controlling bed bugs, complete elimination of a bed bug infestation is best done by a professional. It is important that you use a pest management company you can trust. Oliver Exterminating is committed to eliminating your pest problem, from bed bugs and birds to rodents and roaches. We are professional, knowledgeable, and safe. Contact us today!

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Bed Bugs Control - Services in Puerto Rico & Dominican ...

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