Category Archives: Bed Bugs Georgia

  Georgia, United States Bed Bug Registry Map
  Wednesday 17th of April 2024 05:38 AM

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Georgia Bed Bug Blog – This is an information blog about …

1. Affordability2. Communicating that they have an issue due to cost.3. Do it yourself treatments Safety Inneffectiveness4. While trying to do it themselves they spread to other units5. Discarding of furniture (Not wrapping and spreading)6. Other Tenants picking up said discarded furniture

1. Education We provide Classes for Tenants and Staff to familiarize them with what they look like and how they are transferred.

2. Inspect Furniture before new move-ins.

3. Have unit inspected by a professional right after a tenant moves out. Get inspection report with findings. If not there can be a battle if there are bed bugs found within the first few months of a new tenant. The tenant will claim they were there when they moved in. Landlord cant prove they werent.

4. Let the tenants know that if they report a bed bug situation the landlord will handle it and make the tenant pay affordable payments until it is paid.

5. Repeat (numerous) offenders at some point will be evicted if not reported.

Tenants need to realize that Bed Bug Treatments are expensive and Landlords dont want them in their properties. Landlords need to realize that in many cases the tenant really didnt do anything wrong. Through education the tenants can be taught what not to do when it comes to bed bugs.

Excerpts from

Think Like A Bed Bug by: Denise Donovan (

When I was deciding on the title, as part of my entomological research, I knew that in order to combat any insect you need to know their traits and behavior in order to outsmart them and thus Think like a Bed Bug became the name of my book.

Thanks Mike for addressing this so well.

Infestations left untreated or not treated correctly because of not understanding the insect seem to be one of the biggest causes of the continued spread within multi-unit properties. Managing bed bugs takes more than a chemical or heat treatment; it takes knowing thy enemy.

Think Like a Bed Bug

Bed Bug Supplement

Know thyself, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories. Sun Tzu, the Art of War

January 4, 2016 Sydney E. Crawley, Michael F. Potter and Kenneth F. Haynes

Around 512 B.C., Sun Tzu and the brightest military minds agreed: to defeat the enemy, you must know the enemy. Fast-forward to today and researchers and pest managers alike are coming to the realization that there are no silver bullets in todays war against bed bugs. Nonetheless, scientists around the world continue to study bed bug biology and behavior in hopes of finding chinks in their seemingly impenetrable armor. The intent of this article is to give practitioners a better feel for what everyday life is like if youre a bed bug, and how some of these insights may lead to improvements in management.

BIOLOGY BEGETS BEHAVIOR.To decipher bed bug behavior one must first know the traits that allow them to survive and produce offspring. The most critical adaptation for survival is their ability to feed exclusively on blood. After hatching, bed bugs molt, shedding their exoskeleton five times before reaching adulthood. Each of these five progressions requires that the insect take another blood meal. Bed bug nymphs seemingly behave similarly to adults, although more research should focus on juvenile bed bug behavior. We do know that young nymphs are more prone to desiccation and may have dispersal habits that differ from adult bugs.

Once a bed bug is an adult, they will need to continue to take blood meals in order to lay eggs and produce offspring. Feeding occurs during times when the host (usually us) is least likely to be aware of their presence. Thus, they forage for blood when we are fast asleep, and their bites are not easily detectable. The period during and directly after feeding is often when mating occurs. Mating behavior among bed bugs is traumatic for females, with males piercing their abdominal cavity directly. Each bout of feeding puts a female at risk for roughly five traumatic inseminations, not necessarily from the same male suitor. These excessive mating attempts can reduce female lifespan. Mated female bed bugs lay approximately 120 eggs (on average) in their lifetime, enabling infestations to grow rather quickly. These biological principles give rise to predictable behaviors displayed in the field, some with implications for management.

Bed bugs characteristically form dense, hidden aggregations in small spaces.

LOVE THE ONES YOURE WITH.If youre a bed bug, there arent many opportunities for privacy. From the moment a pinhead sized neonate emerges from an egg, other bugs both younger and older arent far away. In fact, scores of individuals may be sharing a crevice no wider or deeper than a toothpick.

The tendency for bed bugs to form tightly packed, dense, hidden aggregations is one of the most striking behaviors they exhibit. Within these aggregations, a bed bug will grow, defecate, and mate with other bed bugs that are typically from the same maternal lineage. This aggregation behavior represents a significant advantage to a parasite that feeds on a host that routinely sleeps in the same place. Many of the close relatives of bed bugs, including bat and bird bugs, share the same adaptation.

When deciphering bed bug behavior, it helps to think in terms of what may be in it for the bug. For instance, the tendency of bed bugs to form aggregations would not exist if there were not some intrinsic benefit. Recent studies have revealed that bed bug nymphs reared in groups develop faster than nymphs reared in isolation (Saenz et al. 2014). It also has been shown that bed bugs in an aggregation avoid dehydration much more effectively than bed bugs held alone (Benoit et al. 2007). This probably helps account for the remarkable length of time that bed bugs can survive without taking in any blood for months, or even more than a year in cooler environments. Seemingly, bed bugs that stick together may fare better when the going gets tough and hosts are scarce. Other benefits that have been proposed but not verified include the ability to discourage predators (although predation on bed bugs in our homes is relatively rare), the transfer of beneficial microorganisms between group members, increased opportunities for mating, or caring for offspring. These behaviors exist in other insects that aggregate, but have not been confirmed for bed bugs.

Bed bugs detect chemical cues in the environment with their antennae.

Although aggregating has clear benefits, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. There are also potential risks associated with large aggregations. For instance, the larger the aggregation gets, the more likely you are to become conspicuous to humans trying to kill you. Additionally, competition for mates might become fiercer within these large groups. Perhaps your risk of infection from fungi or other pathogens rises as feces and other debris accumulate in increasingly crowded areas? These potential risks may explain why some researchers have observed a cap to aggregation sizes, which may help us to one day predict why and when bugs within an aggregation may leave their current setup for something better (more on this later).

CONVERSATIONS WE CANT HEAR.Much progress has been made in our understanding of why bed bugs aggregate. For a bed bug to detect the presence of another bug and begin the formation of a group there is communication between them. Insects often send messages to one another to initiate a social interaction. An effective message will be received and interpreted by another bug and a behavioral response, such as aggregating, will follow.

Although not apparent to us, bed bugs are talking in this manner all the time. These conversations are chemical in nature, and since the chemical message benefits the signaler and the receiver we call them pheromones. Pheromones are the main way insects communicate, and those that cause bed bugs to aggregate are appropriately termed aggregation pheromones. Bed bugs detect these compounds with receptors located on their antennae, which serve as the olfactory organ for most insects. Although the social nature of bed bugs cannot be compared to the caste systems of termites or ants, it should be clear that bed bugs do in fact have numerous important social interactions within aggregations.

Bed bugs have few natural enemies, but sometimes are eaten by spiders and ants.

Aggregation pheromones are deposited by bed bugs when they find a suitable place to call home the seam of a mattress or recliner, crevices of a nightstand, etc. We know that there are two parts to a successful aggregation message to other bugs.

One part of the message is released into the air with some of these compounds coming from the scent glands. The other part is deposited directly onto the surface through feces or shed skins and persists in the environment for longer periods of time. All bed bugs respond to the aggregation pheromone.

On substrates, five volatile compounds within the feces or on shed skins attract bed bugs to safe places, while a longer-lasting component (histamine) causes bed bugs to stop and remain there (Gries et al. 2015). The arresting power of the compounds is so powerful that they cause bed bugs to rest on surfaces treated with certain insecticides, which otherwise they may find repellent (Romero et al. 2009). Once the bed bugs have found a suitable place to hunker down, the behavior is reinforced through touch; similar to cockroaches, bed bugs respond positively to contact from other bugs and from the walls of small spaces.

Bed bug feces contain a pheromone that causes bed bugs to aggregate.

LEAVE THE ONES YOURE WITH.Although bed bugs are considered sedentary creatures, there are many times when they leave the security of their aggregation. Bed bugs move when theres a perceived threat, when they need to feed, or when their current location is no longer hospitable such as when a host is no longer available.

Bed bugs tend to respond negatively to light so they may move away from light toward darkness. There is also some evidence to suggest that in addition to light and dark detection, bed bugs may use vision to differentiate between darker and lighter harborages, with a preference for darker colors. Understanding the mechanisms and triggers of bed bug movement will help in preventing their spread from one location to another.

To better understand bed bug dispersal we need to ask ourselves, Why would it benefit a bed bug to leave home? A bed bug on the move risks death when detected by the host. Even without insecticides, humans are a lethal threat and perhaps their greatest risk of a quick demise. Wouldnt it be wiser to remain inconspicuous? Unfortunately, for us, bed bugs have finely tuned adaptations that allow them to avoid periods of time where their movements would be riskiest.

Bed bugs require blood to grow and reproduce, so adaptations for finding a host and taking a blood meal are critical for their survival. Feeding strategies have been fine-tuned over the eons that bed bugs and their buggy ancestors have been parasitizing humans, so theyve become experts at the process. Every time a bed bug feeds they risk detection and death, so quick movement to and from the host is of paramount importance. Like many other animals, bed bugs follow a circadian rhythm, exhibiting predictable behaviors that occur cyclically over 24-hour periods. For bed bugs, these changes are set by the change from light to dark and in fact, bed bugs move more in the dark than in light even in the absence of host cues.

This cyclical pattern includes seemingly random movements that are not directed towards or away from the host, but are, nonetheless, the first step to finding their next meal.

Once theyre triggered by nightfall to move away from aggregations, research indicates that carbon dioxide emission is one of the first cues that stimulate bed bug movement from a distance. As the bug gets closer to a warm-blooded host, their movement becomes more directed as heat is detected. Bed bugs have specialized sensory structures on their antennae that can detect even small fluctuations in temperature. However, bed bugs are not akin to heat-seeking missiles it takes time and many blundering movements based on heat gradients and elevated levels of carbon dioxide to make their way to the host. The exact distances over which bed bugs use heat and carbon dioxide to fine tune their movements are still in question. Determining whether these directed movements start at a few feet or a few inches from the host requires following the movements of individual bed bugs before feeding.

Bed bugs spotted by humans often suffer a quick demise.

The research regarding attraction to human odors is also controversial. Early research suggested that skin odors could have a subtle effect on host attraction, but not nearly as pronounced as the effect of heat. These results should be taken with some caution, as other studies have actually shown that human perspiration is repellent. More work will be necessary to tease apart the role of human odors on bed bug host-seeking. It seems safe to conclude, however, that heat, carbon dioxide and darkness are definitely triggers for most bed bug movement. It could be that some host cues provide directional information (such as heat, which our lab observed directional orientation within 12 inches; Haynes et al. 2008), while others such as carbon dioxide function more as activators, intensifying random movements that are innately turned on each night. (See figure above.)

DO NOT DISTURB.Not all bed bug movements are meant to help them find food; they also may move or disperse in response to threats. Bed bugs emit alarm pheromones when they are disturbed. Interestingly, the bed bug alarm pheromone contains two of the same compounds as the aggregation pheromone, but they are released in much higher quantities when the bed bugs are alarmed. At these levels, these compounds stimulate immediate, rapid movement away from the current location. Unfamiliar touches, light or high, steady levels of carbon dioxide/wind trigger the release of these compounds and subsequent movement. Alarm pheromones, like most chemical compounds for bed bugs, also are detected with the antennae. Humans actually can smell the volatile release of alarm pheromones, that oft-described obnoxious sweetness or buggy odor that is sometimes evident with heavy infestations. The alarm odor is perhaps most apparent when several bugs are confined in a small container and gently shaken.

Tracks of individual bed bugs in a laboratory test arena. Bed bugs cover a lot of ground at night even when not stimulated by a host (top). Note how they tend to follow the edges of the test arena. Movement is more directed when a heat source warmed to human body temperature is provided (below). (Haynes et al. 2008, PestWorld)

The research regarding movement ofunfedbed bugs needs more study. We know that bed bugs move more frequently when they have not fed within a week when compared to bugs that recently fed. However, bed bugs held for five weeks without food moved significantly less than recently fed bugs. This may be a way for a bed bug to conserve energy stores in times when the host is temporarily absent (Romero et al. 2010). We still need to determine whether longer periods without food (such as when an apartment becomes vacant) lead to dispersal away from home base, as it appears to in the bat bug. Complaints involving bat bugs in dwellings often are associated with host dispersal or death.

An important question in respect to management is How likely is a bed bug to move from one apartment to another and if they move, how far can they go? Previously, there was a debate focused on whether adult females disperse more than adult males, and it was suggested that females run from males in the field because of the damage resulting from excessive traumatic matings. Some laboratory studies seemed to contradict this hypothesis. A recent discovery (Cooper et al. 2015) that more marked females than males were more likely to be found in areas far removed from the place where they were marked is likely to renew the debate. The additional observation that all instars of bed bugs are more mobile than was once postulated may also change the way that we think about dispersal. Obviously it remains critical to know if mated females are in fact more likely to disperse (since they could start a new population), thus more work should be aimed at supporting or refuting this claim.

SILVER BULLET BED BUG TRAP?When an insect relies heavily on communication using pheromones (such as many moth species) it may be possible to trick the insect into honing in on a trap baited with synthetic pheromone blends. Recently, the elusive contact and volatile aggregation pheromone used by bed bugs was deciphered (Gries et al. 2015). This led to high hopes that a synthetic lure could be produced that would effectively detect the presence of infestations in their initial stages. While the recent findings are encouraging, there may be significant hurdles to the utility of such an approach. It is becoming increasingly evident that bed bugs do not rely on pheromones in the same way as many other pest insects that hone in on pheromone sources from great distances. Potent long-range pheromones used by the industry to successfully monitor stored product pests may not work for bed bugs, because it is likely that communication is close range. In fact, one of the main compounds in the aggregation pheromone, histamine, requires direct touch from the bed bug for arrestment and may be detected via taste, not smell.

Furthermore, sex attractant pheromones that have the most impressive value in insect detection for pests such as the Indianmeal moth are not (as far as we can tell) part of the bed bugs repertoire. Traps baited with synthetic compounds will need to compete with former and existing aggregations of live bed bugs whose interactions are being reinforced by tactile contact. While theres hope for improved detection using pheromone traps, the industry should probably temper its expectations that the technology will be a panacea in the continuing effort to detect low-level infestations.

Various traps already have been marketed for bed bugs utilizing heat, CO2 and other host odors. However, when bed bugs recently have fed, responses to host cues such as carbon dioxide emission diminish. Thus, at any given time, these traps would not be attractive to the portion of the bed bug population that has recently fed to satiation. To reliably detect bed bugs at low levels, traps would presumably need to be placed in multiple locations within the dwelling, translating to higher cost and conspicuousness. We also know that the concentration of carbon dioxide changes rapidly from the point of exit (nose, mouth), to alongside the skin, to the area surrounding a host. We have not yet honed in on the most attractive concentration for bed bug movement, or determined whether carbon dioxide would perform better released in waves/pulses rather than steady streams.

INTRODUCTION OR INFESTATION?We often hear reports of a school, office, library or clinic that shut down over the presence of one to two bed bugs. The concern often stems from a presumption that one bug can turn into several and that people are likely to transport them home. A key question in respect to whether one bug will turn into several is this: Will it find a host, a mate and an aggregation offering the communal benefits noted previously? In some cases, especially when there are a few widely scattered bugs, it can be as hard for a bug to find us as it is for us to find them. Finding a mate will be no sure bet either, especially if only one bug was introduced, or two bugs of the same sex. The biggest risk of infestation occurs when a fed and mated adult female is introduced, because she has the potential to lay eggs.

However, this still does not ensure that she or her offspring will be able to find a suitable host, especially in settings where there is no sleeping person. All in all, it is probably safe to say that introductions of small numbers of bed bugs into schools, offices, libraries, retail stores and other non-bed environments are unlikely to turn into large infestations as is more common in residences. A bed bug spotted in such places necessitates action but seldom closure/cessation of operations. While its easy to overreact in these situations, resources are better spent educating workers and following established protocols.

WRAP-UP.Understanding insect behavior has long helped the industry battle cockroaches, termites, ants and other foes. Learning to think more like a bed bug should yield similar benefits. Although eradicating infestations is the end-goal, there are other benefits to understanding their cryptic ways. Thinking like a bed bug makes us better inspectors and enhances our ability to predict their movements within buildings. It also enables more tactical strikes with insecticides and other treatments. Understanding bed bug behavior empowers the industry to communicate more effectively with the public on topics ranging from pretreatment preparation to prevention. If the strategy of knowing thy enemy worked for Sun Tzu, then maybe we can put it to work for us, too.

Photos M.F. Potter


Benoit, J.B., N.A. Grosso, J.A. Yoder and D.L. Denlinger. 2007. Resistance to dehydration between bouts of blood feeding in the bed bug,Cimex lectulariusis enhanced by water conservation, aggregation, and quiescence. Am. J. Trop. Med. Hyg. 76): 987-993.

Cooper, R, C. Wang and N. Singh. 2015. Mark-release-recapture reveals extensive movement of bed bugs (Cimex lectulariusL.) within and between apartments. PLoS One. 10): e0136462. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0136462

Gries, R., R. Britton, M. Holmes, H. Zhai, J. Draper and G. Gries. 2014. Bed bug aggregation pheromone finally identified. Angew. Chem. 54): 1135-1138.

Harraca, V., C. Ryne and R. Ignell. 2010. Nymphs of the common bed bug (Cimex lectularius) produce anti-aphrodisiac defense against conspecific males. BMC Biol. 8): doi:10.1186/1741-7007-8-121

Haynes, K.F., A. Romero, R. Hassell and M.F. Potter. 2008. The secret life of bed bugs. Pest World. Jan/Feb: 4-8.

Romero, A., M.F. Potter and K.F. Haynes. 2009. Behavioral responses of bed bugs to insecticide residues. J. Med. Entomol. 46): 51-57.

Romero, A., M.F. Potter and K.F. Haynes. 2010. Circadian rhythm of spontaneous locomotor activity in the bed bug,Cimex lectulariusL. J. Insect Physiol. 56): 1516-1522.

Saenz, V.L., R.G. Santangelo, E.L. Vargo and C. Schal. 2014. Group living accelerates bed bug (Hemiptera: Cimicidae) development. J. Med. Entomol. 51): 293-295).

Mistaken Identities

The alarm pheromones of bed bugs have other interesting functions as well. Juvenile bed bugs release alarm pheromones for their own protection against other bugs specifically, misdirected mating attempts by adult males. A unique pheromone blend (consisting of four compounds) is released by young bed bugs when sexual interest from adult males is directed their way. Newly fed 5th instar nymphs closely resemble adult females in size and shape, making them a target for mating attempts from overzealous males. These traumatic mating attempts are costly for wounded nymphs and a waste of time for males, since they will produce no offspring (Harraca et al. 2010). Adult males also release alarm pheromones to deter homosexual mating attempts from other male bed bugs (Ryne 2009). Clearly, there are intriguing and important social interactions between bed bugs. Some may even have future implications for management.

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Bed Bugs in Georgia: Bites, & Treatment | Allgood Pest …

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Bed bugs are a common household pest that can be found not just in Georgia and Tennessee, but all over the world. Theyve been preying on humans for hundreds of years, and were almost completely extinct a few decades ago. However, the banning of dangerous chemical pesticides like DDT, as well as the rise of affordable international travel, helped bed bug populations rebound and stretch all over the globe.

Bed bug eggs are a whitish color and only 1mm in size. Nymphs that are first hatched are cream colored and so small that they can fit through a fabric stitch. Due to their size, both are very difficult, if not impossible to detect with the human eye. Adult bed bugs are small but can be visible to the human eye. They have a flat, oval-shaped body and grow to be about of an inch in length. Adults are reddish-brown in color and are often compared to looking like an apple seed with legs.

Bed bugs are often found in public spaces where there is a large amount of human traffic. Some spots where bed bugs commonly reside include:

Bed bugs hitchhike from one place to another by climbing into bags, luggage, outerwear, furniture, and similar items. Once they have entered your home, they will typically find hiding spaces that are dark, cramped, and provide easy access to a blood meal. The following are just a few areas where bed bugs commonly hide:

Because bed bugs are so small and only feed on humans while they sleep, it can be difficult to spot the presence of bed bugs before they become an issue. A female bed bug can lay anywhere from one to seven eggs per day after a blood feeding and up to 250 eggs during her lifetime. Newly hatched eggs are called nymphs; these young bed bugs can reach maturity in just a few weeks. Given the speed at which they reproduce, a single pregnant female can propagate an infestation of over 5,000 bed bugs in a six-month period.

When it comes to bed bug control, the sooner you spot an infestation, the better. Some signs that bed bugs have infiltrated your home include:

Bed bugs are not known to carry or transmit any diseases to humans. However, bed bug bites can lead to an infection if the area is broken open from scratching. Having bed bugs in a home can be emotionally damaging for some people. Bed bug infestations can lead to anxiety, stress, and loss of sleep.

No, throwing out your mattress will not solve your bed bug problem. It will just cause you to have nowhere comfortable to sleep at night. Bed bugs are not just found in mattresses and bedrooms. They can move easily through your home and be found hiding throughout it. Your entire home needs to be treated to completely eliminate an infestation, not just your mattresses.

At Allgood, our professionals understand how stressful and unpleasant it can be to know that bed bugs have invaded your home or business. Because of this we will work quickly and safely to treat bed bugs, ensuring that the infestation is completely eliminated. If you suspect your home or business may be infested with bed bugs, dont wait another minute contact Allgood Pest Solutions today for a free bed bug inspection.

What Should I Do If I Think I Have Bed Bed Bites?

What Do Bed Bugs Look Like?

What Do Bed Bug Bites Look Like?

Travelers Guide To Bed Bugs

Why DIY Bed Bug Treatments Often Fail

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More Bed Bugs Breach Hospitals How Do You Get Rid of …

Hospitals have some of the strictest cleanliness protocols. And accordingly so given that bacteria from unsanitary practices could impend the life of patients. But sadly, even those protocols are not enough to block the breaking in of bed bugswhen not using bed bug spray.

As it was said in a recent post by, those vampire-like pests are a big headache to hospitals nowadays. Worse, the number of their infestations has been increasing in the past few years so it is important to know how to get rid of bed bugs.

According to the survey of the National Pest Management Association, in 2012, the number of treated bed bug infestations in hospitals was 6% higher than in 2011. And if compared with the cases of bed bugs in 2010, it was twice as many.

It was pointed out that the going in and out of many patients and visitors was the major reason of the hike in hospital bed bug infestations. But apart from it, the surge of bed bug cases in nursing homes also contributed to the growing bed bug problem. Thats because many of hospital patients came from those facilities.

Particularly, as bed bug experts shared, from 2010, there was a 46% increase in the number of pest-control treatment involving those blood-thirsty insects in nursing homes.

Read more about Bed Bugs in Hospitals

As if adapting to health-care reform and curbing the nightmare bacteria werent challenge enough, hospitals are increasingly plagued by another problem: bedbugs.

More than a third of pest-management companies treated bedbug infestations in hospitals in 2012, 6% more than the year before and more than twice as many as in 2010, according to a survey released today by the National Pest Management Association. The percentage of exterminators dealing with bedbugs in nursing homes has also almost doubled since 2010, to 46%. Bedbug experts also report seeing them in ambulances.

Read more about Bed Bug Cases in Hospitals Rise at:

No matter how clean a place, bed bugs could infest it. The reported increase of bed bug cases in hospitals backs that up. Hence, you shouldnt be too complacent that those insects wont invade your house just because you tidied it up.

But neither does that mean that you shouldnt clean just because dirty or not, bed bugs could invade your place anyway. Apart from the many risks that presents to your health, clutter offers those vampire-like pests more spots to conceal themselves. And that adds more work to your bed bug inspection and treatment processes.

So, to maintain a healthy indoor environment and to limit the bed bug spots in your house, you must take steps to regularly clean your place.

But then again, when it comes to bed bugs, just limiting their hiding spots shouldnt just be your goal. You must aim to eliminate them and prevent their return. Or else, youll suffer from their bed bug bites and the additional finances that they bring along them.

Read on and learn what you could to attain that goal.

Before we move on to the process to kill bed bugs though, lets go over first the why of bed bug elimination. Why do you have to get rid of them?

Generally, there are two reasons why you need to get rid of those blood-fed pests. They are:

Bed bugs can invade almost any furniture piece. Apart from their favorite item to infest the bed they could make a home out of your couch and closet. Even on wall hangings, tables, shelves and books, they could hide on those items.

If the infestation is detected early on, those items could still be saved from the pests. Its a different story though when it comes to a major infestation. Most of the time, you would not have any other choice but to throw away the infested pieces. Needless to say, their replacements would cost you money. Even your alternative, which is to hire an exterminator, would cost you big. Hence, it is necessary that you yourself would kill bed bugs early.

Bed bugs are not known to transmit illnesses. However, they could still negatively affect your general well-being. For one, bed bug bites could bring allergies. To others, their marks are also sources of embarrassment.

Another thing, it was recently discovered that those pests could also cause anxiety. In some cases, they even lead to paranoia.

Now that you know the why of bed bug elimination, lets move over to the how of it.

There are two methods most commonly used in bed bug treatment regardless if a hired exterminator would do it or you execute the elimination yourself.

As you surely have deduced just by the name of the process alone, this method basically uses high temperature to kill bed bugs. And according to many, this works effectively. Within 15 minutes of heat treatment with temperature higher than 113 degrees Fahrenheit, bed bugs and its nymphs would die. Up to 60 minutes of it would kill the eggs of the pests.

However, bed bug heat treatment is easier said than done. It requires a huge machine to carry out the process. Moreover, with the risks it presents, its best that a professional would it. And with that comes the big amount that you would surely need.

Pesticides offer the most-convenient way to kill bed bugs. It makes the bed bug extermination inexpensive as it allows you to do the process by yourself. Remember though, you must only go for a do-it-yourself bed bug treatment if the infestation is not yet massive and youre sure that you could handle it yourself.

In addition to being a convenient method to exterminate the pest, the use of a bed bug spray also allows you to quickly respond to any bed bug sighting. With it, you could do a treatment promptly. And consequently, that prevents any bed bug infestation from getting worse which saves you from a huge expense.

There is one problem though. It was recently discovered that bed bugs have developed resistance to pesticides. They mutated, developed a harder outer shell and changed their metabolism to somehow reject the solutions.

If thats the case, how should you eliminate bed bugs?

But is there a non-pesticide bed bug spray that exist?

Actually, there is. Its called Bed Bug Bully.

Bed Bug Bully is made with organic ingredients. It does not contain the chemicals called pyrethoids that bed bugs have developed immunity on. And so, it works effectively on the pests just as pest-control companies and hotels have proven already.

Apart from that, Bed Bug Bully is also safe for health and even the environment. The EPA has classified it as pesticide-exempt under FIFRA 25(b)

Here is one customer review of Bed Bug Bully.

See It For Yourself How Bed Bug Bully Works!

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More Bed Bugs Breach Hospitals How Do You Get Rid of ...

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Georgia, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug …

About a year ago, I wrote a very controversial blog post about bedbugs and global warming. I admit I was brainstorming rather than basing my thoughts on real research. Well, I finally got to meet a REAL scientist who studies bedbugs (hes an entomologist), and has researched them extensively Continue reading

The Northwest Georgia Housing Authority has been selected to participate in a research trial of a new chemical product to get rid of bed bugs without displacing apartment dwellers for an extended period of time. The housing authority also approved a new Working Preference policy that will impact residents of five public housing complexes in Rome and Rockmart. Norman Pleger, the director of technical services for the housing authority, told the board of directors Wednesday the agency will be the only housing authority in Georgia to participate in the study being led by Professor Nina Jenkins at Pennsylvania State University. Continue reading

Following the death of a patient at a personal care home, the Richmond County Coroners Office called in city code enforcement and state inspectors and intends to have the body sent for an autopsy. The office received a call about a death at the Dynasty Care Facility at 1938 Kings Grant Drive on Tuesday morning, Coroner Mark Bowen said. Continue reading

Less than a week after 11Alive reported on a local workplace with a bed bug problem, dozens of employees walked off the job. Adrianne Haney, WXIA 3:53 PM Continue reading

Less than a week after 11Alive reported on a local workplace with a bed bug problem, dozens of employees walked off the job. Adrianne Haney, WXIA 11:18 PM. Continue reading

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Georgia, United States Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug ...

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Top 10 Non-Toxic Ways to Control Bed Bugs | Maria’s Farm …

About a year ago, I wrote a very controversial blog post about bedbugs and global warming. I admit I was brainstorming rather than basing my thoughts on real research. Well, I finally got to meet a REAL scientist who studies bedbugs (hes an entomologist), and has researched them extensively. My theory was that CO2 in the atmosphere from global warming might be leading to the increase in bedbugs (bedbugs ARE attracted to CO2). I was wrong.

Yes. I was wrong.

Here is what has lead to the increase in bedbugs over the past few years: excessive use of pesticides to attempt to eradicate them! It turns out that bedbugs, like most insects, are very resilient to chemicals, and adapt quickly to become stronger and more resistant. Ongoing extensive study by Changlu Wang, PhD, extension specialist in the department of entomology at Rutgers University, has shown that employing nontoxic means of eradicating bedbugs are even more effective over the long haul than spreading toxic chemicals.

So here is my list of top 10 nontoxic ways to control bedbugs, based on Wangs talk at the Beyond Pesticides conference in Denver, Colorado:

1: Physically remove them by vacuuming and cleaning them up manually. Even though I do yoga, I do approve of killing bugs. Stomping is acceptable.

2: REMOVE CLUTTER. Bedbugs love to snuggle in piles of clothes, newspapers, and junk. Dr. Wang showed pictures of places where it was almost impossible to get rid of the bedbugs, and it had a lot to do with piles of junk and clothes and crap lying around. The more you remove clutter, the easier it is to keep bedbugs out.

3: Launder your bedding WEEKLY. And if have a bedbug problem, make sure that you use heat in the dryer. Bedbugs hate heat.

4: Encase your pillows and mattresses. Theyre easier to remove and clean on a regular basis.

5: Clean with a hot steamer. Again, bedbugs hate heat. Make sure to get around the baseboards and cracks (see number 2).

6: Put climb-up interceptors under the legs of furniture. One suggestion is to put the legs of your beds into cans of soapy water, but if that wont fly at your house, you can try applying petroleum jelly or Tanglefoot instead.

7: Open your windows! Since bedbugs love CO2, which by the way comes out of your mouth when you breathe as you sleep (yes, with your mouth open and drool coming out), opening a window disperses the CO2 in the room and makes it a much more unappealing environment for bedbugs to linger in.

8: Use a fan. Same concept as number 7. If the bugs cant find your pockets of CO2 because there is too much fresh air and wind, they will go to your neighbors house instead.

9: Make a dry ice trap with a dog dish. According to Wang, this really works! Put dry ice in a dog dish, and cover the outside of the dish with something the bugs can climb, such as a cloth or some paper. They will climb in for the CO2 and then wont be able to get out.

10: Try diatomaceous earth. A naturally occurring pest-fighter that comes from dead algae skeletons or something like that, you can get it online and should use it carefully, but it does work. I remember my grandfather using it, and its still considered organic. Thanks to the stuffs microscopically sharp edges, its the equivalent of putting tacks on the deck of a boat to deter pirates.

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Top 10 Non-Toxic Ways to Control Bed Bugs | Maria's Farm ...

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