Do it yourself bed bug detection Got Bed Bugs …

Do-it-yourself detection: You will need a table with 4 skinny legs, a heating pad, a couple of alka seltzer tablets, a jar lid or small cup saucer/plate, and and some glue traps. The glue boards I got from Walmart for like $2.50 - Catchmaster Baited Mouse and Insect Glue Boards 4 pack. Its a reddish-orange and yellow package. Put the table in the room you think there are bedbugs. Take the glue boards out. Do not fold them into the box shape (for trapping mice) but rather leave them flat. Peel off the wax paper to expose the glue. Take one of the glue boards and with the glue side up, stick the bottom of each of the legs of the table in the middle of the glue board. Now anything trying to climb up the legs of the table will first have to get through the glue moat to do so. (They will not succeed) Plug the heating pad in and put it on low heat. Put the pad on the table. (Make sure the cord is not touching the floor. If you want to be extra careful you can put double sided sticky tape on the cord just below where it reaches the tabletop. I didn't do this part, didn't actually think of it till now) In the lid of the jar (or plate or whatever, just make sure if it's plastic not to put it directly on top of the heated pad) put 2 alka seltzer tablets. Put a few drops of water on top so they start to fizzle. Put them on the table next to the heating pad. Turn the lights off in the room, leave the room, and shut the door behind you. The bugs are attracted to body heat and the carbon dioxide we exhale. The heating pad mimics our body heat, and the fizzing alka seltzer releases carbon dioxide. Dry ice would probably work better, but I wanted to work with what I already had. This will work, though it might take a day or so. Do not hang out in the room where you have set this trap up! (I know, not a problem...) As soon as I figure out how to post pics here, I will show my results.

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Do it yourself bed bug detection Got Bed Bugs ...

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