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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Alpha Bed Bug Exterminator NYC – Manhattan | Treatment …

October 11th, 2018 by admin

If youve ever had the unfortunate luck of dealing with bed bugs, you know just how difficult it can be to get rid of them once and for all. It seems like from the moment you discover them, youre fighting a battle for weeks or even months and its tiring. And even worse, bed bugs arent just a nuisance theyre also a health hazard. Finding yourself in this situation is, needless to say, something you dont ever want to deal with. However, it can happen to anyone at any time and when that happens, you need to be able to quickly get a hold of a bed bug exterminator in NYC.

Lets say youve just discovered that you have bed bugs. Now youre probably wondering how to deal with the problem in an affordable way. You call around, looking for the cheapest deal possible. And when the exterminators finally show up and take care of the bed bugs, you realize that they didnt take care of everything. Now you have to pay for it all over again. We understand the need for affordable services but we also take our job seriously as the best bed bug exterminators. Thats why we strive to provide the highest-quality services at fair prices. When you choose us to take care of your bed bugs, you have our guarantee that the job will be done right the first time, saving you time and money in the long run. And our friendly technicians would be happy to answer any questions you might have before we do any work. Its simple you place your trust in us, and we make sure that you get your moneys worth.

With years of experience in the extermination business, were confident that we can provide the services youre looking for and do an outstanding job. We have thousands of satisfied customers to back up our claims of expert services. Furthermore, were dedicated to providing superior customer service for every one of our clients. Have a special request? Just ask. Need some quotes before we begin work? No problem. You can count on us to be there on time every time, and well be happy to take care of any extermination services you require. Theres a reason were considered the top source for a bed bug extermination and its because were 100% dedicated to our clients.

Oftentimes, we have clients who ask us if they can tackle the extermination process on their own. Its a valid question you can buy products in stores that are supposed to help you get rid of bed bugs without shelling out the cash for a professionals services. But lets think about this for a moment. Bed bugs are notoriously difficult to get rid of. And how many times have you treated your home for bed bugs in the past? Maybe youve done it once or twice. Needless to say, your knowledge and skills are far from a professionals. All of this is a recipe for failure. Youll end up spending more money than you need to and waste time trying to rid your home of bed bugs while theyre still reproducing. Professionals, on the other hand, do this every day. As a reliable bed bugs extermination specialists, we do it for a living and we know all the ins and outs of dealing with these awful pests. If we run into any trouble, we have the equipment necessary to deal with it. And we can take care of it faster than the average citizen who needs careful direction. Professionals, while their services seem to cost more, end up being priceless in this matter.

So whether you need bed bug extermination services for your home, a business,a school,a nursing home,or a hotel, were here to help you. Let our company ensure your peace of mind, happiness, and health through keeping your property 100% pest free. Call us or browse through our site for more information on our services. We look forward to assisting you as the top source for a bed bug exterminator eradication in NYC.

As a homeowner in the United States, you need to understand that problems can arise at any point in time. It is undeniably true that life is unpredictable. While there is an abundance of problems you can experience, there is no doubt that a bug infestation could prove to be disastrous. Bed bugs are undoubtedly a major concern for most consumers. With this in mind, it is absolutely pertinent to identify the problem and take action as soon as humanely possible. Thankfully, youve come to the right place. We are the most reliable and experienced bed bug exterminator in New York and well be able to help you fix the problem with haste. Continue reading below to learn more about our services.

Before moving forward, it is absolutely pertinent to make sure you choose the best bed bug exterminator that is actually licensed. Believe it or not, there is an abundance of companies that operate without a license. Working with one of these firms could be incredibly risky. There are various factors to take into consideration when looking for an exterminator and licensure should be a top priority. Rest assured knowing that our company is licensed by the state of New York. We obey all regulations and guidelines placed upon businesses within our field. We have been licensed since our origination and our license has never been put in jeopardy.

While youre at it, you need to remember that the average bed bug exterminator cost can be excessive. This is not a surprise. Nevertheless, you can rest assured knowing that our company sincerely cares about you and your family. We will do everything humanely possible to provide you with a great price. In order to make sure this happens our company will provide everyone will free quotes. Before our bed bug extermination service is carried out, an expert will visit your home and examine the current situation. Then, theyll sit down with you and provide you with their analysis. At this point, youll be provided with a free quote. This helps to guarantee that youll know exactly how much youll pay for our bed bugs exterminator service. Remember that our quote is binding and therefore cannot and will not be changed anytime in the future.

It is absolutely pertinent to realize that eliminating bed bugs can be very difficult. Of course, the complexity of the situation truly depends on the specific company that you choose. We go above and beyond to provide our clients with the most convenient service humanely possible. While there are numerous bed bug treatment solutions, ours is undeniably the most convenient. This is the case, because the client needs to do very little. There is no need to move furniture and youll be able to return home much quicker than you would with chemical sprays. Instead, our company relies heavily on heat machines to get the job completed. Heat is far more beneficial, convenient and reliable.

Bed bugs exhibit deceptive behavior, in an effort to remain undetected. These parasites can hide just about anywhere, but their favorite places to hide are in the folds of mattresses and box springs. The main reason for this is because bed bugs want to be within proximity of their human host, since a blood meal is required every few months. However, an adult can go almost an entire month without consuming a blood meal, which is pretty significant, when you are considering that this is a tiny insect, the size of an apple seed. The best way to find these critters is to hire a bed bug exterminator that provides services, with a bed bug sniffing dog. The bed bug dog is capable of sniffing out the bed bugs hiding places, so the exterminator can go ahead with the bed bugs removal process. If the bed bugs pest control expert does not offer these services, they will need to rely on instinct. We are one of the top bed bug exterminator companies in NYC & all parts of Manhattan that provides a wide range of services to the local community. We offer competitive bed bug exterminator prices and varying treatment packages that are suitable for all income levels.

When you begin your homework, searching for a bed bug exterminator in NYC, you will immediately notice the innumerable options. It is crucial to note that while these companies may be a great option, not all of them are bonded. It is crucial to hire a bonded bed bugs NYC extermination company to protect your investment. We are a bonded and insured exterminator that offers bed bug dog inspection services. As a bonded company, our goal is to ensure consumers that they are protected from financial loss, if they hire our team to eradicate their bed bug infestation. If consumers make a complaint about our services, we will immediately begin to investigate the issue. We will respond in a timely manner and always offer a 100 percent customer satisfaction guarantee. If you are not satisfied by the solution, you will have the right to file a claim with the underwriter that holds our bond. You will receive the decision that you want and not lose a dime in the process.

A free in-home consultation is a great service that provides consumers with an opportunity to speak with a licensed exterminator in a one-on-one meeting. During the meeting, the exterminator will examine your home, looking for signs of bed bugs, which include tiny brownish, reddish dots, eggs, molted skins and a sweetish odor. If any of these signs are found, the exterminator will provide you with you several treatment options. You will have the option of choosing one of our treatment packages or you can customize your own package. We want you to feel comfortable, when you hire us to eradicate your bed bug infestation.

When it comes down to it, were not the bedbug exterminator in New York City. Nevertheless, it is absolutely pertinent to make sure you do not get lured in by an overhyped company. We are truly the overall best company in New York and well be able to solve your problem quickly and easily. Below, youll learn about the benefits of choosing our firm to eliminate the bedbugs in your home.

Are you ready to eliminate those nasty bedbugs from your home? If so, it is time to take action. When youre ready to move forward, you should reach out to our firm as quickly as possible. Were always willing to answer any questions you may have.

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Alpha Bed Bug Exterminator NYC - Manhattan | Treatment ...

Why You Need a Bed bug Exterminator in Manhattan

October 10th, 2018 by admin

The Big Apple is an amazing place that never sleeps, offers just about every kind of amenity and cultural outlet you could possibly ask for, and has views that nowhere else on earth can boast. However, some of the luxuries that Manhattan contains come with hidden costs that are more than simply financial. One of these potential costs is that convenience can lead to unwanted house guests such as bed bugs.

The Joys of Furnished Places

A lot of people simply stay where they are because they hate to move. This makes sense because moving usually involves a lot of expense, a lot of dust, and a fair amount of back-breaking labor to get ones things where they need to go. However, it is possible to circumvent at least a portion of this by simply not having furniture in the first place.

This is not to say that you have to be unconventional or minimalist to the extent of having no furniture in your space. Many owners will actually supply furniture, which is called having a furnished space. You do not need to move in furniture when you arrive, you do not need to take any furniture away with you when you leave, and the furnishings that are there are already selected and arranged to look great. You need only bring your clothes and other small personal items that are relatively easy to move.

Of course, to quote the Eagles, every form of refuge has its price.

When a Furnished Place Comes With Too Much

Having a pre-furnished place can be great. You can move in with relative ease, you do not have to be concerned about wearing out or damaging your own stuff, and usually, the dcor looks excellent in the space. However, sometimes there are bad parts of having a furnished location that has nothing to do with how the place looks when you have guests over.

Home furnishings have a lot of nooks and crannies in them, and every one of these can harbor insects. While the solid floors that are popular nowadays are not very conducive to bed bug habitation, the furniture itself most definitely works as a habitat. This habitat can easily stay in one place for a long time, allowing the bed bugs to feed off of person after person.

One further problem this carries is not just that the bed bugs feed off of people, but that a single piece of infested furniture can become a sort of nest. From this nest, the bed bugs can latch onto clothing, hair, bags, and then travel wherever the person goes next. Bed bugs can quickly spread from only a small, single source until they are all over.

Bed bugs can spread all too easily, and they can be very hard to take out on your own. Fortunately, some professionals deal with bed bugs on a regular basis and know just how to strike them down. When you want to find a Bed bug exterminator in Manhattan, you have a simple option you can start on right now.

See the original post here:
Why You Need a Bed bug Exterminator in Manhattan

Bed Bugs Or Bat Bugs? Get Bats Out Bat Removal Experts …

October 10th, 2018 by admin

Click Free Pest Control Quoteto fill in a form to obtain a free pest control quote today.

Nearly everyone has been bugged by gnats, flies, and mosquitoes, possibly even lice. But how many have ever heard of, much less been the victim of bat bugs or scientifically known as bat mites? Instead of being someones bad idea of a comic book antihero, bat mites are real. And they can be a real nuisance.

Most people are familiar with bed bugs or dust mites, so when we find ourselves bitten by annoying little insects, we assume we should treat the area to get rid of those insects. We usually treat an infested area with insecticides, believing that will end the infestation. Many a landlord has hired a professional insect control company, only to have his tenants complain of re-infestation within a short time after the treatment was applied. These landlords have found out the hard way that, if so-called bed bugs return, it is quite likely that those bed bugs are actually bat mites.

As the name would suggest, bat mites are tiny little parasites that feed on bats. Bat mites, like their hosts (especially brown bats that roost in colonies), love to live in dark, protected areas and narrow retreats where it is difficult to find and get rid of them. They live a relatively long time for such little creaturesup to a year in cool areas.

Property owners will sometimes use aerosol bombs or other insecticide treatments, hoping to drive the bats away or kill any nesting bats while killing the insects. However, this is not a good course of action. Assuming that the bats are driven out by the aerosol, they will soon return. And a new infestation of mites, carried in on the returning bats, will soon replace any mites killed by the aerosol. The only effective way to get rid of the mites is to get rid of the bats first, making sure they cannot return. Only then will any mite control be effective.

Even if all the bats have been excluded and the site is now officially bat-free, there is still a likelihood that bat bugs are lurking in the corners, behind the wallpaper, in the carpets, or possibly in beddingsearching for a new source of food. This source may end up being human tenants or their pets, so steps should be taken to get rid of the mites.

Suppose there is evidence of bat mites in bedding. Should you use an insecticide on the bedding? The answer is an emphatic No! Bedding should always be protected from insecticide. Rather, frequent washing of the sheets in hot water and the use of mattress covers specifically designed for control of mites are recommended. Special mattress covers can be found online or in stores specializing in allergy-control bedding.

If bats are suspected and a buildings tenants are itching, or youve already employed a pest control service but still have bugs, take these steps in order to assure your bat mite problem is solved:

There is no need to continue to coexist with bat mites (or bats). By calling in a bat control specialist, you will be able to control both problems, saving yourself time (no other exterminators needed), money (only one exterminator at one price and any tenants will not be tempted to leave because of the bugs), and hassle (letting the professionals handle the pests is the safest, most effective way of ridding yourself of both bats and bat mites). Be sure to call if you suspect bats or bat mites. Youll be pleased with the results.

Your local bat removal expert,Michael Koski

See the original post:Bed Bugs Or Bat Bugs? Get Bats Out Bat Removal Experts

Click Free Exterminator Quoteto fill in a form to obtain a free exterminator quote today.

This entry was posted on Thursday, October 4th, 2018 at 2:40 pm and is filed under NYC Bed Bugs.You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed.Both comments and pings are currently closed.

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Bed Bug Exterminator NYC – Pest Control Services NYC NJ

October 10th, 2018 by admin

How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs in NYC

If bed bugs have a single weakness, its that their reproduction cycle is slower than most arthropods. By hiring a local bed bug exterminator NYC residents will have a top-rated pro who is near by and available to perform multiple intensive treatments to disrupt the bed bugs life cycle and prevent them from reproducing. Instead of panicking and throwing out upholstered items, clothing, furniture, and other valuable objects speak to our experts about scheduling an inspection and available treatment options. We will eliminate your bed bug infestation.

Weve helped people all over NYC by exterminating some of the most difficult bed bug infestations. If youre in Manhattan, Queens, the Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Westchester County, NY and Nassau County, NY, were ready to help you defeat bed bugs and get back to healthy, restful sleep.Call 1-877-410-3259 today to learn more!

The first step in bed bug eradication is accurate identification of these pests. Starting with the first inspection our experts will assess and identify any possible hiding spots throughout your home or office. Using specialized cameras and high illumination lighting , we will look for signs of bed bugs throughout your entire home or office.Bed bugs hide near to where we sleep or remain dormant for extended periods of time their black droppings are often found in the seams of your mattress and inside your box spring, inside and around your nightstands, behind loose wallpaper, within clutter, behind your headboard and in other furniture nearby. Our experts will use their experience and training to provide you with a detailed inspection and assessment.

TIP Cleaning your home to get rid of bed bugs involves washing clothing and bedding in the hottest water they can stand and drying on the highest heat setting of your dryer. Prior to beginning this process, check our ourtips on how to prepare for our bed bug treatment.Our experts and former clients provideanswers to many commonly asked bed bug extermination questions.

TIP The New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene cautions homeowners and tenants from using pesticides in their efforts to kill bed bugs. Untrained use of pesticides can cause harm to your children, pets and the elderly. Instead, a pest control company that is licensed in the state is a safer solution. The company will find the bed bugs, remove their hiding places, treat any remaining areas and continue to follow up afterwards to ensure that your home is pest free.

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Bed Bug Exterminator NYC - Pest Control Services NYC NJ

Bed Bug Exterminator NYC | Extermination Treatment & Removal …

October 10th, 2018 by admin

Different Treatment Options

When it comes to bed bugs pest control certain situations require different treatment methods than others. For instance, people that live in apartments or condos have a harder time getting rid of bed bugs, because the bugs can migrate to the neighbors. So, once your apartment or condo is clear of the critter it can merely migrate right back from your neighbors. In situations like this, the whole building usually has to be exterminated. Along with this, we offer a wide variety of different treatments. For instance, in some situations, a pesticide treatment might be a better solution, whereas as a different situation might call for a whole room heat treatment.

Whatever the situation is, we are prepared with the most advanced treatments and solutions to your problems.

Customer References

We understand that hiring the right bed bug company can be confusing and frustrating. There are many factors besides the price that you have to consider. That is why our company is willing to supply you with references of other customers that we have serviced. This gives you the ability to speak to previous customers about the services that our techs performed and how they conducted themselves inside their homes. We are confident in the services that we provide.

We Utilize Pesticides That Are Safe For Indoor Use

As a top bed bug exterminator in NYC, we handpick the pesticides that we utilize for eradicating infestations. The pesticides are safe to use indoors, but we always encourage the occupants of the home to evacuate the house for several hours after the initial application. Pets will also need to be moved to the outdoors until the home has time to air out. We encourage all of our customers to take their pets to an outdoor area or a boarding facility for about 3 to 4 hours. This way, they will not be exposed to the chemicals.

Our bed bugs removal team will get to work as soon as the family and pets are evacuated from the home. The entire process takes about 2 to 3 hours, depending on the size of the house and whether or not the attic and basement need to be treated, as well. Our bedbug exterminator NYC team is trained and experienced in utilizing pesticides. They are also licensed to handle an array of chemicals that are used to treat bedbug and other pest infestations. If you have any questions about the types of pesticides we utilize, please feel free to contact our customer service department. Our representative will provide you with a list of the pesticides and their ingredients.

We Offer A 100 Percent Customer Satisfaction

We are consumers just like you, and we understand the importance of protecting your investment, when hiring bed bug company. This is why we offer a 100 percent customer satisfaction guarantee. If at any time, you are dissatisfied with the services we provided, please contact our office. We will find a solution promptly, in most cases while you are still on the phone with the representative. We will send a technician out to your home to perform another bed bug dog inspection that will be provided for absolutely free. If re-treatment is required, the technician will do that following the inspection.

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Bed Bug Exterminator NYC | Extermination Treatment & Removal ...

Bed Bug Laundry NYC – Reclaim Your Home from Bed Bugs Now!

October 10th, 2018 by admin

The team at Bed Bug Laundry NYC is glad you are here, but sorry you are having bed bug or other insect infestation problems. Our discreet pickup and delivery for laundry and dry cleaning comes to you no matter where you are located in New York City and neighboring areas including Northern New Jersey. If you want to reduce the time and effort it takes to get rid of these biting pests, you have come to the right place.

Waking up with bed bug bites can be terrifying. You want to know how to get rid of them as soon as possible. We work with your exterminator or pest control operator to more efficiently and effectively rid your home of these and other insects. Because bed bugs can live in any part of your home including clothing, purses, shoes, bags, draperies, and other textiles, it's important to handle your laundry properly as well. You want to remove those items carefully from your home, have them treated for bed bugs, then stored until your home is free from pests. We help our customers be thorough when dealing with bed bugs, because if you fail to kill even one bed bug or its egg, you are at risk for re-infestation.

Bed bugs can be tricky to eliminate, but our bed bug laundry service in NYC removes the guesswork from one part of the job. Comprehensive treatment for bedbug infestations requires specialized laundry services for all the linens and textiles in the affected home. Heat treatment is the only way to kill all the bed bugs and their eggs. This requires use of a high temperature dryer for an extended period of time. Our discreet and diligent support and service assist our clients in killing both adult bed bugs and their eggs by providing in-home pick-up and delivery, customized laundry treatment, and dry cleaning for all the homes affected items. Then we can provide storage for some or all of your items for the duration of the homes extermination treatment.

Using a bed bug laundry like ours saves you time and work, but may also save you money. Often, items you might have to throw away can be saved by using our heat treatment. Our sterile, dedicated facility is well-equipped to handle this demand, and our machines are serviced after each treatment. We store your items in a separate, eco-friendly, climate-controlled storage facility at no extra cost for the entire duration of the home's pest control or extermination treatment. Our free storage service and high cleanliness level set us apart from other NYC bed bug laundries.

Our bed bug laundry treatment process is also 100% chemical-free, which is very important to our customers with small children, pets, or health concerns. Please bear this in mind when considering the chemicals your exterminator may recommend for your laundry.

We pride ourselves on our professional service! We work closely pest control companies as well asprivatecustomers.Trust us with your laundry and textiles while pest control operators treat your home. Our storage solutions will give you peace of mind while you focus on exterminating the bed bugs.

Read more here:
Bed Bug Laundry NYC - Reclaim Your Home from Bed Bugs Now!

Residence Life: Bed Bug Info: Marymount Manhattan College

October 10th, 2018 by admin

MMC is committed to an effective and efficient response to students who suspect they may have bed bugs.If you think you have bed bugs call the Office of Residence Life at 212-774-0740 during regular business hours, tell your RA, and/or alert Security when you are submitting a work order request. We will set up an appointment to have the pest company check your room as soon as possible. If you happen to find a bug, keep it to show the exterminator.

It is important to remember that bed bugs do not indicate someone is unsanitary or has done something wrong. Unfortunately, bed bugs are common in urban areas and can be transmitted on the subway, on the bus, in a movie theater, or by trying on clothes. If you know someone who has identified bed bugs in their vicinity, remember to be supportive and understanding.

If your room is positivefor bed bugs, Residence Life and maintenance staff will be in touch with you about the next steps to treat your room and belongings.

For the safety and comfort of all students living in the residence halls, our staff will adhere to the following protocol to effectively treat rooms:

Keep in mind:

- Dont panic! Although bed bugs can be annoying, they can be battled safely and successfully if you follow all guidelines given to you by Residence Life.

- Do not move your mattress or any furniture out into the hallway. Infested furniture can be cleaned and treated. Placing infested furniture (particularly mattresses) into common areas or on the street may simply help spread bed bugs to the rooms and suites of other students.

- Do not go sleep in a friends room or in places off-campus. If you actually have bed bugs, you will only spread them to others.

Bed Bug FAQ

What are bed bugs?

Bed bugs are small, flat, oval, wingless insects that are visible to the naked eye and feed on the blood of people while they sleep. Like mosquitoes, they bite humans, but unlike mosquitoes, they do not transmit disease, but can cause significant itchiness, anxiety, and sleeplessness. They are hardy, nocturnal creatures that can live for up to 18 months without feeding and are able to withstand extreme temperature changes.

During the day, they hide in crevices, bed frames, mattresses and box springs, behind electrical outlet covers and picture frames, inside drawers of furniture, within pleats of curtains, in clothes discarded on the floor, and in other spaces where they are not easily detected. The first sign of a bed bug is often a rash or bite mark and blood spots on linens. Bites are often aligned three in a row, giving rise to the colloquialism breakfast, lunch, and dinner.

How can I prevent bed bugs?

While there are some precautionary measures, it is not always possible to prevent bed bugs. We suggest the following precautions:

Wash new clothes in hot water and dry in high heat for at least 30 minutes.

Never leave your clothing laying on the bed, or any location of possible infestation. Instead, use hangers or hooks capable of keeping all clothing distant from the floor or bed.

Dont bring items found on the street into the hall. Even if things look clean, it doesnt mean they are.

Be mindful of where you shop and visit. In the past, several stores and movies theaters in NYC have been treated for bed bugs.

Bed bugs are the reason we restrict certain items in the halls. Papasan chairs, body pillows, and items with extra stuffing are perfect homes forbed bugs, and by restricting these items, we reduce the possibility of bed bugs.

Where do bed bugs come from?

Many years ago, bed bugs were eradicated by the use of a pesticide, DDT. This is no longer used and may account for the resurgence of these bugs in the US, as might the increase in international travel.

Anyone can pick bed bugs up from a location where they presently exist someones apartment, other residence hall rooms, theatres, etc. Bed bugs are equal opportunity pests they will infest anyone, anywhere.

Where can I get more information on bed bugs?

There are a number of excellent resources available about bed bugs. Please check out the links below to learn more about bed bug control and prevention:

Residence Life: Bed Bug Info: Marymount Manhattan College

Bed Bugs – Welcome to | City of New York

October 4th, 2018 by admin

Information for New York City Residents

Bed bug infestations are increasingly common, but there are steps that can be taken to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home. When bed bugs are present, they can be safely controlled. This web site will help you learn more about how they thrive, how to recognize and inspect for their presence, steps to take to prevent them from infesting your home, how to safely rid your home of bed bugs if they do occur, and also how to select and work with a pest management professional.

Read the guide, Preventing and Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Safely (PDF)

Bed bugs are small insects that are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat, brown oval bodies and are about the size of an apple seed.

The New York City area has more than 1,000 pest control companies and thousands of licensed pest management professionals. To get rid of bed bugs, you need to choose the right company, be clear about what you want done, and monitor the service you get.

Bed Bugs - Welcome to | City of New York

Bed Bugs | City of New York

July 2nd, 2018 by admin

You can report bed bugs in:

If you report bed bugs in a residential building, hotel, or SRO, the Department of Housing Preservation and Development (HPD) will conduct an inspection. HPD may conduct inspections with a bed bug-sniffing dog. If bed bugs are found, the residential building owner may get a ticket. To report bed bugs in a private house or apartment, you must be a tenant in the building, and you must provide your contact information.

Under the NYC Bed Bug Disclosure Act, landlords must notify prospective tenants in writing about any bed bug infestations that have occurred in their building in the past year. If you want to make a complaint about a landlord who is not complying with this law, you should contact NYS Homes and Community Renewal at (718) 739-6400.

To report bed bugs in businesses, nonprofit organizations, or child care facilities, you should contact the manager or owner of the facility.

If you are a private homeowner, you should hire a pest control professional licensed by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation to evaluate the pest problem and to exterminate if necessary. Licensed exterminators should always provide proof of their license upon request.

You can get information about bed bugs, including:

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Bed Bugs | City of New York

World, Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug Infestation Reports …

June 17th, 2018 by admin


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. [+]

The world is the planet Earth and all life upon it, including human civilization.[1] In a philosophical context, the "world" is the whole of the physical Universe, or an ontological world (the "world" of an individual). In a theological context, the world is the material or the profane sphere, as opposed to the celestial, spiritual, transcendent or sacred spheres. "End of the world" scenarios refer to the end of human history, often in religious contexts.

The history of the world is commonly understood as spanning the major geopolitical developments of about five millennia, from the first civilizations to the present. In terms such as world religion, world language, world government, and world war, the term world suggests an international or intercontinental scope without necessarily implying participation of every part of the world.

The world population is the sum of all human populations at any time; similarly, the world economy is the sum of the economies of all societies or countries, especially in the context of globalization. Terms such as "world championship", "gross world product", and "world flags" imply the sum or combination of all sovereign states.

The English word world comes from the Old English weorold (-uld), weorld, worold (-uld, -eld), a compound of wer "man" and eld "age," which thus means roughly "Age of Man."[2] The Old English is a reflex of the Common Germanic *wira-aliz, also reflected in Old Saxon werold, Old Dutch werilt, Old High German weralt, Old Frisian warld and Old Norse verld (whence the Icelandic verld).[3]

The corresponding word in Latin is mundus, literally "clean, elegant", itself a loan translation of Greek cosmos "orderly arrangement." While the Germanic word thus reflects a mythological notion of a "domain of Man" (compare Midgard), presumably as opposed to the divine sphere on the one hand and the chthonic sphere of the underworld on the other, the Greco-Latin term expresses a notion of creation as an act of establishing order out of chaos.

"World" distinguishes the entire planet or population from any particular country or region: world affairs pertain not just to one place but to the whole world, and world history is a field of history that examines events from a global (rather than a national or a regional) perspective. Earth, on the other hand, refers to the planet as a physical entity, and distinguishes it from other planets and physical objects.

"World" was also classically used to mean the material universe, or the cosmos: "The worlde is an apte frame of heauen and earthe, and all other naturall thinges contained in them."[4] The earth was often described as "the center of the world".[5]

The term can also be used attributively, to mean "global", or "relating to the whole world", forming usages such as world community or world canonical texts.[6]

By extension, a world may refer to any planet or heavenly body, especially when it is thought of as inhabited, especially in the context of science fiction or futurology.

World, in its original sense, when qualified, can also refer to a particular domain of human experience.

In philosophy, the term world has several possible meanings. In some contexts, it refers to everything that makes up reality or the physical universe. In others, it can mean have a specific ontological sense (see world disclosure). While clarifying the concept of world has arguably always been among the basic tasks of Western philosophy, this theme appears to have been raised explicitly only at the start of the twentieth century[7] and has been the subject of continuous debate. The question of what the world is has by no means been settled.

The traditional interpretation of Parmenides' work is that he argued that the everyday perception of reality of the physical world (as described in doxa) is mistaken, and that the reality of the world is 'One Being' (as described in aletheia): an unchanging, ungenerated, indestructible whole.

In his Allegory of the Cave, Plato distinguishes between forms and ideas and imagines two distinct worlds: the sensible world and the intelligible world.

In Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel's philosophy of history, the expression Weltgeschichte ist Weltgericht (World History is a tribunal that judges the World) is used to assert the view that History is what judges men, their actions and their opinions. Science is born from the desire to transform the World in relation to Man; its final end is technical application.

The World as Will and Representation is the central work of Arthur Schopenhauer. Schopenhauer saw the human will as our one window to the world behind the representation; the Kantian thing-in-itself. He believed, therefore, that we could gain knowledge about the thing-in-itself, something Kant said was impossible, since the rest of the relationship between representation and thing-in-itself could be understood by analogy to the relationship between human will and human body.

Two definitions that were both put forward in the 1920s, however, suggest the range of available opinion. "The world is everything that is the case," wrote Ludwig Wittgenstein in his influential Tractatus Logico-Philosophicus, first published in 1921.[8] This definition would serve as the basis of logical positivism, with its assumption that there is exactly one world, consisting of the totality of facts, regardless of the interpretations that individual people may make of them.

Martin Heidegger, meanwhile, argued that "the surrounding world is different for each of us, and notwithstanding that we move about in a common world".[9] The world, for Heidegger, was that into which we are always already "thrown" and with which we, as beings-in-the-world, must come to terms. His conception of "world disclosure" was most notably elaborated in his 1927 work Being and Time.

In response, Sigmund Freud proposed that we do not move about in a common world, but a common thought process. He believed that all the actions of a person are motivated by one thing: lust. This led to numerous theories about reactionary consciousness.

Some philosophers, often inspired by David Lewis, argue that metaphysical concepts such as possibility, probability, and necessity are best analyzed by comparing the world to a range of possible worlds; a view commonly known as modal realism.

Mythological cosmologies often depict the world as centered on an axis mundi and delimited by a boundary such as a world ocean, a world serpent or similar. In some religions, worldliness (also called carnality[citation needed]) is that which relates to this world as opposed to other worlds or realms.

In Buddhism, the world means society, as distinct from the monastery. It refers to the material world, and to worldly gain such as wealth, reputation, jobs, and war. The spiritual world would be the path to enlightenment, and changes would be sought in what we could call the psychological realm.

In Christianity, the term often connotes the concept of the fallen and corrupt world order of human society, in contrast to the World to Come. The world is frequently cited alongside the flesh and the Devil as a source of temptation that Christians should flee. Monks speak of striving to be "in this world, but not of this world"as Jesus saidand the term "worldhood" has been distinguished from "monkhood", the former being the status of merchants, princes, and others who deal with "worldly" things.

This view is clearly expressed by king Alfred the Great of England (d. 899) in his famous Preface to the Cura Pastoralis:

"Therefore I command you to do as I believe you are willing to do, that you free yourself from worldly affairs (Old English: woruldinga) as often as you can, so that wherever you can establish that wisdom that God gave you, you establish it. Consider what punishments befell us in this world when we neither loved wisdom at all ourselves, nor transmitted it to other men; we had the name alone that we were Christians, and very few had the practices."

Although Hebrew and Greek words meaning "world" are used in Scripture with the normal variety of senses, many examples of its use in this particular sense can be found in the teachings of Jesus according to the Gospel of John, e.g. 7:7, 8:23, 12:25, 14:17, 15:18-19, 17:6-25, 18:36. For contrast, a relatively newer concept is Catholic imagination.

Contemptus mundi is the name given to the recognition that the world, in all its vanity, is nothing more than a futile attempt to hide from God by stifling our desire for the good and the holy.[10] This view has been criticized as a "pastoral of fear" by modern historian Jean Delumeau.[11]

During the Second Vatican Council, there was a novel attempt to develop a positive theological view of the World, which is illustrated by the pastoral optimism of the constitutions Gaudium et spes, Lumen gentium, Unitatis redintegratio and Dignitatis humanae.

In Eastern Christian monasticism or asceticism, the world of mankind is driven by passions. Therefore, the passions of the World are simply called "the world". Each of these passions are a link to the world of mankind or order of human society. Each of these passions must be overcome in order for a person to receive salvation (theosis). The process of theosis is a personal relationship with God. This understanding is taught within the works of ascetics like Evagrius Ponticus, and the most seminal ascetic works read most widely by Eastern Christians, the Philokalia and the Ladder of Divine Ascent (the works of Evagrius and John Climacus are also contained within the Philokalia). At the highest level of world transcendence is hesychasm which culminates into the Vision of God.

Orbis Catholicus is a Latin phrase meaning Catholic world, per the expression Urbi et Orbi, and refers to that area of Christendom under papal supremacy. It is somewhat similar to the phrases secular world, Jewish world and Islamic world.

Dunya derives from the root word "dana" that means to bring near. In that sense, "dunya" is "what is brought near".[12][pageneeded]

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