NYC Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential and Hotel

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  212 Volkert Street, Highland Park, New Jersey, 08904, United States Bed Bug Registry Maps & Database
  Saturday 1st of June 2024 17:44 PM

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Address : 212 Volkert Street, Highland Park, New Jersey, 08904, United States

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Latest Bed Bug Incidents and Infestations

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Bed Bugs Solutions | Bell Environmental

July 22nd, 2018 by admin

Bell Environmental provides safe, thorough, and effective bed bug solutions so residences, schools, libraries, offices, stores, hospitals, vehicles and others no longer have bed bug problems. Thoroughness and service quality are the real keys to eliminating bed bugs. Our full range of treatments give you all the tools necessary to resolve any bed bug situation.

What We Do explains our exclusive InstantFreeze program and our other unique tools such as top quality preparation, fumigation, storage services to make your bed bugs go away. Our solutions are environmentally friendly and do not damage computers, furniture, and sensitive items.

What We Dont Do explains why we dont use steam or thermal/radiant heat methods. Steam is not thorough enough to treat your whole home and can damage your electronics and damage your furniture. Thermal heat carries significant fire risks putting your life and home in danger during and after treatment. Radiant heat can also damage your personal items, fail to eliminate bed bugs, and can often spread them to neighboring rooms and apartments.

Where We Go shows our entire service area. Bell Environmental serves both of ourTri-Stateregions that are centered around New York City (NY-NJ-CT) and Philadelphia (PA-NJ-DE). We treat homes and officesin New York City and Philadelphia and their suburbs every day. Bell Environmental frequently gets calls to solve bed bug problems in Pennsylvania camps, Hamptonsbeach houses, Connecticut offices, New Jersey hospitals, and Philadelphia-area schools and colleges- and everywhere in between!

Whom We Serve describes how our bed bug solutions eliminate problems for residents of single family homes and multi-dwelling units. We also eliminate bed bug issues for schools, libraries, hospitals, computer data centers, stores that want effective solutions that allow them to stay open rather than shutting down. Our solutions can safely treat sensitive medical equipment, computer servers, and other electronics.

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Bed Bugs Solutions | Bell Environmental

Does Suffocating Bed Bugs Work? | Atlantic Bed Bug Inspection

July 13th, 2018 by admin

Over the years, I cant tell you how many times Ive been in a bed bug infested residence, and talked with customers that become extremely frustrated as they face the task of solving a bed bug problem. What if there are bed bugs in my shoes? What if there are bed bugs in my radio? What if there are bed bugs in my lap top? What do I do?

All legitimate questions, and the answers havent always been easily available. We know that bed bugs will crawl inside of electronics, because we routinely read examples of bed bugs being found there. We know that bed bugs can be found on shoes, especially as in many instances, bed bugs may have hitchhiked into a home on a persons shoes. During our inspections, weve found bed bugs inside newspapers, magazines, on a persons belt, on hats, on lap tops. You get the idea.

We know that a Zapp Bug heating chamber has been a fantastic option to address many of a households items that cant be treated with pesticides. Heat kills bed bugs, theres no question about that. But what if you dont have access to a Zapp Bug? Is there another option, a less expensive option, that will also eliminate bed bugs on those items that cant be chemically treated? Which is why weve asked the question:

Does suffocating bed bugs work?

Our experience has been that it does. Weve placed hundreds of bed bugs in air-tight vials including eggs and have never seen one survive past 5 days. During these 5 days, were never opening the vials, and the vials are being maintained at room temperature.

Can suffocation be a practical, useful tool then? Absolutely when supplemented with other remediation measures.

The items youre going to want to deny air to are going to have to be on the small side: lap tops, cell phones, small electronics, shoes, toys, books, CDs, paperwork, etc. Youre going to need large enough air-tight bags that stand no chance of air finding their way inside once sealed, and no chance of tearing. Examples we can point to, and items you can Google search, would be: jumbo slider zip bags, vacuum storage bags, and space bags. All of these bags can definitely be closed and sealed properly.

Youll need to prepare to be without an essential item for a few days if suffocation is the way you wish to proceed. If being without an essential item is just not possible (ie. lap top, cell phone), then vacuuming that item can be sufficient. But for those items you can air-tight and let them sit undisturbed, then suffocation should be considered as another useful piece of ammunition in the fight against bed bugs.

If you have any question about this measure, or any other remediation measure, please call us anytime.

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Does Suffocating Bed Bugs Work? | Atlantic Bed Bug Inspection

Bed Bugs – Welcome to | City of New York

July 11th, 2018 by admin

Information for New York City Residents

Bed bug infestations are increasingly common, but there are steps that can be taken to prevent bed bugs from infesting your home. When bed bugs are present, they can be safely controlled. This web site will help you learn more about how they thrive, how to recognize and inspect for their presence, steps to take to prevent them from infesting your home, how to safely rid your home of bed bugs if they do occur, and also how to select and work with a pest management professional.

Read the guide, Preventing and Getting Rid of Bed Bugs Safely (PDF)

Bed bugs are small insects that are usually active at night when people are sleeping. Adult bed bugs have flat, brown oval bodies and are about the size of an apple seed.

The New York City area has more than 1,000 pest control companies and thousands of licensed pest management professionals. To get rid of bed bugs, you need to choose the right company, be clear about what you want done, and monitor the service you get.

Bed Bugs - Welcome to | City of New York

Bed Bugs Treatment & Extermination NJ, NY, PA & MD

June 10th, 2018 by admin

No matter what kind of manufacturing industry you are in, pests are always a problem....


Press release Summit, NJ, May 3rd 2018 Data-driven solutions are the new standard for pest...


Bed bugs have infiltrated homes and businesses throughout New York. In fact, theyve become something...


Some things you did not know about the insects we call friends! Lady Bugs...


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Press release Viking Termite & Pest Control expands its footprint in the Greater NYC metropolitan...


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Helpful Fall Tips For Rodent Control We at Viking know all too well, that colder...


Bed bugs are an unfortunate fact of life in New York, and can occur anywhere,...


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What does the Fall weather mean for Ticks? Just because the weather is becoming cooler,...


For any food service business, pests are more than just a nuisance or annoyance. They...


As we approach the fall consider our Yard Guard program to help you deal with...


Rodents, ants, termites, roaches, and mosquitos are a few of the common household pests. Some...


Carpenter ants, like termites, can to tremendous and irreversible damage to buildings. Knowing what carpenter...


Pest control for healthcare facilities requires a very delicate approach. Because healthcare facilities deal with...


There is nothing quite as disgusting as seeing the first sign of a potential rodent...


You have a number of choices for exterminator in the New Jersey area, and, while...


Odorous house ants are an annoying pest, which you can differentiate from other types of...


Bedbugs are one of the most difficult pests to eradicate, and part of that is...


Think mice are just a winter problem? Think again. You turn on your air conditioner...


Mosquitoes are probably the most notorious summertime pest. Their bites are not only itchy and...


Bedbugs are hard to kill. Furthermore, if you fail to kill even a small portion...


Is there anything as annoying as a mosquito buzzing around you? Of course there is;...


If you are looking for an exterminator for rodents in the New Jersey area, you...


The first step to carpenter ant control is finding the colony. Carpenter ants, often confused...




Bed bugs. Roaches. Rats. Any one of these or other pests will sound the death...


One of the few pests that can actually do you real financial damage, termites are...


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New Jersey has a lot of different endemic and invasive pests, and all businesses in...


Even when you keep your home meticulously clean, you can still end up with a...


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Pests are called pests for a reason. They are pernicious, persistent, and pervasive. Some types...


If you are concerned about the safety of pest control, first remember that pests themselves...


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Bees are incredible creatures, crucial for pollination and maintaining the integrity of our ecosystems. However,...


Bed bugs can be a nightmare. They are practically invisible, and sometimes the only way...


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When it comes to pest control, you cant be too careful. Pest control chemical agents...


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Bed Bugs Treatment & Extermination NJ, NY, PA & MD

United States, Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug Infestation …

June 10th, 2018 by admin

Heat Pro is Colorados premier heat treatment company for bed bug exterminations and removal, your local bed bug experts. Continue reading

West Columbia Exterminator, Pest Control & Termite Inspector Orkin Branch Near YouWest Columbia, SCBranch #398 Residential In an effort to better serve you and your community, every Orkin Man receives unparalleled industry training. Your Orkin Man was trained by one of the top 125 training programs in the nations receiving 160 hours of hands-on training during his first year on the job. Continue reading

A-1 Exterminators Proven Bed Bug Control Treatment A-1 Exterminators is the premier bed bug exterminator in Utah . We start with a thorough inspection of all beds, bedrooms, known problem areas, and review the history of the infestation with the customer. We make recommendations on how to stop the spread of the bug to other parts of the house and other houses in your network of family and friends Continue reading

I received quotes from three exterminators for a nasty bed bug problem. Continue reading

Wyoming Household pests can be more than a nuisance-they can be a threat to your property and potentially your health. Click the FREE ESTIMATE button to get a qualified service technician to your house or property for full service. Continue reading

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United States, Bed Bug Registry Map Bed Bug Infestation ...

Bed Bug Laws New York | NY Bed Bug Laws | Beyond Pest …

May 30th, 2018 by admin

Renee Coreas interesting article, New York vs. Bedbugs, reveals relevant references which are very tough to come across regarding the infestation of bedbugs within New York and the laws that surround them. This article is mainly directed to rental residential properties, co-op homes and steps that the renters themselves may take regarding an infestation. It also mentions laws concerning the landlords and their responsibilities when dealing with bed bugs as well as their responsibilities in general under the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, the New York City Housing Maintenance Code, New York Real Property Law and the New York City Health Code.

The landlords are the ones who are pretty much responsible for the removal of bed bugs, am I wrong? This article also states all the possible remedies for when a landlord refuses to pay for the eradication of bedbug infestation. It reflects back to one major, agonizing time from which is almost impossible to figure out where exactly this bedbug source came from. It also mentions how it is absolutely impossible to ensure that the bed bugs will never return into your homes again. It discusses co-ops and condo rules and regulations and responsibilities of both tenants and landlords. The warranty of habitability is also listed for reference which is very informative for tenants. You can find the warranty of habitability under the Real Property Law.

Remedial steps to take under the warranty includes a precedent case for reference. It also talks about the New York State Multiple Dwelling Law, which includes tenant rights to repairs and up-keep of a clean premise. That will in part talk about vermin present in your home and how to handle the situation at hand. It mentions the New York City Housing Maintenance Code which deals with all types of residences. It also mentions the sections and codes that specifically discuss the extermination of pests and insects as well as rodents. It mentions the New York City Health Code that discusses preventative measure to take when dealing with bed bugs. It also includes a question and answer section where questions are answered by none other than Renee Corea.

If you are in need of a public advocate in the city of New York, you should contact Bill De Blasio. He has been a public advocate for the last eight years. He was the manager for Hilary Clintons successful campaign for U.S. Senate. The role of a public advocate is to watch, help, regulate and ensure residents of New York receive the services they should from their City. They deal with issues between tenants and landlords and ensure that they both act lawfully in every situation, including the extermination and prevention of all pests, such as bed bugs, cockroaches, insects and rodents.

We came across yet another interesting article regarding Bedbugs. Must be our lucky day! Richard Siegler and Eva Talels, Dealing With Bedbugs discuss the impact that bed bugs have had on New York residents and how they deal with the massive infestation weve been hit by. They educate Condominium owners what steps to take when dealing with infestations in the unit. They set the limitations for the owner and for the occupant alike. They also discuss the precautions we need to take to prevent a bed bug infestation from occurring. However even the most cautious are still at high risk of getting a bed bug as their roommate. This article also discusses steps to take regarding damage to your furniture due to an infestation of bed bugs, rodents, cockroaches, and/or insects.

This article is extremely informative in regards to bed bugs, what they are, what they look like, and what the bites they leave behind look and feel like. It describes step by step how Hotels can now prevent the spread of bed bugs. It states that bed bugs are not causing any spread of diseases, at least theres one up-side to this whole craze. They show images of bed bugs in its actual size and an enlarged view of the bed bug. It is also informative for the frequent traveler that stays at hotels a lot. The measures the traveler needs to take to prevent them from entering your luggage which then in turn will infest your homes.

The law that surrounds bed bugs is almost three years old according to Michael Wolfe. This article he wrote states how just how new this bed bug craze is. Now it is known that the landlords of the property are primarily responsible for the exterminating as they are supposed to keep the premise habitable. This article discusses the difference in laws in New Jersey and New York. It states who can sue for any damages caused by the bed bugs and the exterminating itself. It states that if the landlord denies or omits that fact that there are bed bugs in the unit he may be charged with fraud.

There is a bed bug registry where you can check out any hotel or motel where you are planning to stay. The Bed Bug Registry is a no fee, public database of user-submitted bed bug reports from across the United States and Canada. Founded in 2006, the site has collected about 20,000 reports covering 12,000 locations. While you wont find any legal info on this site you can see if your building has been added to this growing database of apartments and buildings in NYC that have bedbug infections.

The NYC Rent Guidelines Board (RGB) is mandated to establish rent adjustments for the approximately one million dwelling units subject to the Rent Stabilization Law in New York City. The Board holds an annual series of public meetings and hearings to consider research from staff, and testimony from owners, tenants, advocacy groups and industry experts.

The RGB staff is responsible for providing administrative support to the Board and prepares research regarding the economic condition of the stabilized residential real estate industry including operating and maintenance costs, the cost of financing, housing supply and cost of living indices. The RGB staff engages in year-round research efforts, publishes its reports for use by the public, other governmental agencies and private organizations, and provides information to the public on housing questions.

If you need legal help this is a great place to start. LawHelp/NY is an on-line tool for helping low-income New Yorkers solve their legal problems. The LawHelp/NY mission is as follows:

LawHelp/NY provides, and promotes access to, high-quality online information about free legal services throughout New York, about legal rights in a broad range of substantive areas, about the court system, and about related advocacy, government and social service organizations. We are committed to providing information that is user-friendly, in English, Spanish, and other languages, in order to help low-income and other vulnerable New Yorkers achieve equal access to justice.

The Legal Aid Society is a private, not-for-profit legal services organization, the oldest and largest in the nation, dedicated since 1876 to providing quality legal representation to low-income New Yorkers. It is dedicated to one simple but powerful belief: that no New Yorker should be denied access to justice because of poverty.

The Society handles 300,000 individual cases and matters annually and provides a comprehensive range of legal services in three areas: the Civil, Criminal and Juvenile Rights Practices. Unlike the Societys Criminal and Juvenile Rights Practices, which are constitutionally mandated and supported by government, the Civil Practice relies heavily on private contributions.

An Article written by Melanie West for the Wall Street Journal states that there is a new bed bug disclosure policy in play now for new leases on apartments. It says that when a lease is prepared, both landlord and tenant must sign a state form listing any bedbug infestations in the past year. Would-be renters then have a chance to back out of the lease agreement. Gov. David Patterson signed the policy in to law last month. According to this great article it says that 49% of people surveyed said they had or have a bed bug problem. According to this article bed bug infestation are everywhere these days. Many ways to prevent these little buggers from become a part of your life. Seal the holes in your homes as much as possible, pay close attention to any form of bites you may get thru ought the night, check your bed sheets for tiny little blood stains, and prayer always helps.

Jessica Presslerarticle is quite interesting and pretty much states that the bed bug disputes are filling up the docket in the New York City courts because of a decision made by a tenant refusing to pay rent because of a bed bug infestation in the unit. Also yet another similar article that goes on about the same issues. This article written by E.B. Solomont a staff reporter of The Sun says that a back in 2008 the Brooklyn court located had spotted some bed bugs. It sent the court room into a frenzy. Even though a spokeswoman says that the courts were bug free.

In 2008 there were almost ten thousand bed bug complaints, Im sure that number are probably quadrupled by now. It also goes to say what is pretty well known to us by now, that it is the responsibility of the landlord to cover all costs for the extermination of the buildings and units. It also talks about different cases that dealt with bed bugs and the results of the judgments in each instance. These cases set precedents to the judgments we deal with now in our courts. According to E.B. Solomon the reason there are all of these bed bug disputes is because its difficult to prove where the bed bugs came from.

Another interesting little article that we found written by Nobugsonme. This one says that there is a legislation being proposed to the insurance companies making them give back the money to renters and owners that were forced to throw out their furniture and/or clothes because of their bed bug infestation. Some bed bug infestations could end up to be very pricey, it could burn big holes in the individual wallet.

Bed bug insurance legislation proposed in New York State

We found this very informative site It is very detailed describing bed bugs, what they are, where they live, and what they feed on, you. It states how bed bugs come out at night and invade your furniture such as your bed frame, couches and mattresses to name a few. The article also reminisces how bed bugs were almost extinct after DDT. However due to health and environmental concerns DDT was banned. Now we are dealing with a bed bug crises yet again. The question we all have now is how does one get them? and how does one get rid of bed bugs? also how does one prevent them from appearing and affecting our lives? All very important questions and answers seem scarce.

This article is pretty thorough and answers all of the above questions as much as possible, as well as other legal questions regarding bed bugs that need some answers. As for how they became famous again here in the U.S. it says that we should be extra careful when we travel, as bed bugs attach themselves on to your clothing and things you may have in your luggage. They may come in with visitors we have in our homes or places of work. Also we should be very careful when we travel as hotels and other accommodations may have a bed bug infestation. This article also describes how bed bugs may travel into our homes.

It says bed bugs can travel thru duct-works and cracks in between units, also when tenants are moving in and out of the building may cause for transfer of bed bugs. This article goes on to describe what bed bugs look like, how they live. It also recommends ways in which to keep your home clean and free of clutter. Regardless of how clean and tidy you are you may still get them. This article also has a section on important bed bug laws between landlords and tenants. It states that in New York State landlords are liable for the cost of treating a bed bug problem. This is good news for the tenants.

Another great article written by Douglas Stern Landlords vs. Tenants: Who pays when bed bugs invade?. This article is full of great information. It says that in New Jersey a legislation was introduced stating that landlords are to cover all cost for the extermination of bed bugs, annual inspections and distributing educational material created by the state. The article says that landlords are to immediately treat reported infestations and to maintain a bed bug free environment in the entire complex. It also states that all landlords that do not comply will be fined $300 for each infested apartment and $1000 for each infested common area. Its a pretty penny for landlords.

They can also do regular maintenance of the common elements to help alleviate one of the reasons that vermin might infest a property. But unfortunately no matter how clean the property may be it still may get a bed bug infestation. This is because bed bugs are a creature of convenience, similar to louse. Bed bugs go from one affected person to another. They set up tent in bedrooms and couches. During the day they hide in the cracks and crevices in your home and they come out and feed at night. This article says that bed bugs resemble small little apple seeds. But as small as they are they multiply quickly and could turn into a difficult problem.

The article goes into detail of how bed bugs are brought in to an apartment and what attracts them to these apartments. This interesting read also states how they travel from unit to unit and room to room. It says how bed bug bites are often mistaken for mosquito bites, due to the fact that they itch and turn into little red bumps. This great little article also shows that there was a 500 percent increase of reported bed bug infestations. Its such a nuisance to have but for the landlord its a nuisance to pay for something you did not do and something you cannot control. There is never any guarantee that once youve exterminated bed bugs that they will never come back.

According to this article written by Grace West, two bills that are under consideration will provide renters with protection and compensation regarding the bed bug craze we are now facing. It says that one State Assembly member Linda B. Rosenthal from the Upper West Side and parts of Hells Kitchen is pushing a legislation that would require landlords to divulge any history of bed bug infestation. It states that the first bill would require disclosure of any instance of bed bug infestation dating back five years. The second bill provides a tax credit of up to $750 to help with the cost of replacing property lost due to a bed bug infestation.

It also goes into more detail as to what furniture and clothing can be included in the price. I know $750 seems miniscule compared to the real amount of what may have been spent on the items, but it is a start. Rosenthal also states if the state were in better economic condition perhaps the tax credit could be higher. The article also states that its not sure of when the two bills will be voted on.

This article is full of useful information as it focuses on the legal end of the issues surrounding bed bugs. It says that New York city is vulnerable to bed bug infestations due to the fact that there is such a concentration of people living in such close quarters which makes it easy for them to migrate from one place to another. The article goes through series of questions and answers. From who is responsible for the cost of the extermination of bed bugs, to actions renters need to take when dealing with landlords whether legal or on your own. If legal action needs to be taken it describes the type of court you have access to in regards to bed bug and landlord issues. You can use a lawyer if you choose or you may represent yourself. It is important to know your laws, this article is very informative.

Found a great article dating back to 2009. This article written by Lindsey Christ for NY 1 is quite an interesting read when compared to the rise in bed bugs now in 2010. We thought bed bug infestations were bad then, now theyve almost quadrupled. The Department of Education describes how bed bugs are brought into our schools and into our lives. They are brought on student or teachers clothing, book bags and lunch bags.

The Department of Education refused to send exterminators into the schools affected until the specimens of what was found were sent to a lab. This just gave these bed bugs more time to populate those schools and create a major infestation. I guess they werent thinking ahead. It also states how the Museum of Natural History was affected by bed bugs. It says that the children in these affected schools should be given large sealed bags and they are to put their clothing and their book bags in them.

So if students have bed bugs the parents are told and asked to take action. Students and teachers were asked to do this, this way they can avoid a major infestation. It also states that the Department of Education could not completely control the bed bug problem, which is true. But they can however take preventative measures to keep the bed bug issue under control.

An article written by Natalie Gee for the Epoch Times, recites all of the legal measures our government has taken and will take in regards to bed bugs. Bed bugs have become such a big part of our lives that we have created laws specifically for them. They haunt us and it needs to be at least toned down if they refuse to go into extinction. Several laws have been brought to the attention of government. Most are still in question and some have passed as laws.

A bed bug infestation can and possibly will create a substantial hole in our wallets, and depending on the infestation of these critters mental issues have also surfaced. This article goes into detail of certain laws that are yet to be passed, and one that did not pass. The one that did not pass was a tax credit law that would reimburse the person affect by a bed bug infestation for up to $750. This helps out with the cost for some of the furniture, clothes and other items that needed to be replaced due to bed bugs. But unfortunately it did not pass. It also discusses one that did pass.

This bill that passed grants prospective tenants and homeowners the right to a record of any bed bug infestation on the property. This gives the renters or buyers a more in depth look on the history of bed bug infestation, if any. It allows you to make an informed decision when renting a new place. It has been an emerging issue due to the fact that renters were being bitten almost immediately as they moved into their new place. Now stuck in a predicament with bed bugs and a lease they cant get out of, only because they werent properly informed.

If you ever have any bug related issues in New York City, feel free to call us either at Beyond Pest Control. Once again, and I cant stress this enough we are on call twenty-four hours a day seven days a week to kill those bugs, we arent kidding whether you call us at 9 am or midnight we will be available to take your call and either get rid of the bug infestation, or answer any questions you may have concerning the bug issue. I can honestly guarantee that there will be someone to answer that call. We make it our business to make you bug free!

For more information, check out the rest of our site and You can also from time to time find helpful hints on our blog.

Our pest control specialists service all NYC boroughs, including Queens, Brooklyn, Bronx, Manhattan, Long Island (both Nassau & Suffolk counties), Staten Island and even both Westchester & Rockland counties.

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Bed Bug Laws New York | NY Bed Bug Laws | Beyond Pest ...

New York Bed Bugs | New York Bed Bug Registry Maps

May 22nd, 2018 by admin

Before a person can prevent an infestation, it is important to know what they are, how they live and what they look like. Once you know what they look like, hopefully, before you bring them home, you can avoid staying in hotels that have them. Simply, they are small parasites that live in mattresses and other types of soft furniture. Continue reading

Bed bugs are flat and small in size, allowing them to hide easily from view during the day when they are not active. They hide in mattresses, bed frames, bedding, furniture, carpets, baseboards and bedroom clutter Continue reading

Bed bugs, bed-bugs, or bedbugs[2] are parasitic insects of the cimicid family that feed exclusively on blood. Cimex lectularius, the common bed bug, is the best known, as it prefers to feed on human blood. Other Cimex species specialize in other animals, e.g., bat bugs, such as Cimex pipistrelli (Europe), Cimex pilosellus (western US), and Cimex adjunctus (entire eastern US).[3] The name bed bug derives from the preferred habitat of Cimex lectularius: warm houses and especially near or inside beds and bedding or other sleep areas Continue reading

Bisnow LOIS WEISS: Punishing All For The Bad Deeds Of The Few Bisnow Thanks to a bunch of jerks who should crawl back into the bedbug -filled crevices from whence they came, New York City now has about 20 new laws on its books designed to denigrate building owners and protect tenants from things that go bump in the night. Continue reading

Persistence Market Research delivers key insights on the U.K. and Germany bed bugs control services market in its upcoming outlook titled, U.K. and Germany Market Study on Bed Bug Control Services: Chemical Control Service Type Segment Expected to Gain Significant Market Share by 2026 . Continue reading

Photo Credit Victoria Roberts Q. Do spiders bite people out of fear, hunger or curiosity? A Continue reading

New York In the city that never sleeps there is one increasingly busy nocturnal resident who New York wants to evict the bedbug. Continue reading

Creepy-crawly, but also crispy-crunchy. Brave Brooklynites chowed down insects and worms from grubs to grasshoppers at the first Brooklyn Bugs Festival. Continue reading

They creep, they crawl, and they just might be in your hotel room. Continue reading

Event benefitting communitys most vulnerable draws thousands every year (ROCKWALL, (ROCKWALL, TX August 30, 2017) Local Rockwall High School (ROCKWALL, TX August 29, 2017) Lynn Ross has a Art Show coming to new venue Oct. 27-29 (ROCKWALL, TX (ROCKWALL COUNTY, TX Aug Continue reading

New York Bed Bugs | New York Bed Bug Registry Maps

New York Bed Bug Hotel and Apartment Reports …

April 30th, 2018 by admin

Bed Bug Hotel and Apartment Reports. Click on the city below to find our latest bed bug reports in New York on hotels. To report a new bed bug incident, navigate to our city page below to see further details.

Recommended tips after hotel check-in: 1. Pick up the mattresses in the rooms and look under it. Check around the edges of the box springs. 2. Check under the box spring. 3. Lift up each headboard an lie it on the bed. Carefully inspect the hole where the headboard was lifted out of. Also, inspect all niches and corners of the headboard. 4. If you decide to stay in the hotel, do not put any clothes in dressers. Keep them in your luggage and your dirty clothes in plastic bags.

March 23rd 2018 at 9:00am I found/squished a bedbug at the foot of the bed. I then realized the notes on my neck, right hand, right shoulder, and left elbow were all from bedbugs the previous 4 days a...

Sunday, Febuary 25, 2018 at 10:00 am. While we had a stay at this place for the weekend we reported bed bugs at the room we stayed to the front desk. We demanded the front desk person to speak to a ma...

10/29/2017 8:45amRoom 269551 South transit streetLockport, NY 14094(716) 434-4411GM.NY098@choicehotels.comWe stayed over night on 10/28/17 to 10/29/17This morning when we woke up we sa...

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New York Bed Bug Hotel and Apartment Reports ...

5-Star Pest Control NYC & Bed Bug Removal | Broadway …

April 15th, 2018 by admin

Brooklyn NYC ManhattanEnvironmentally-Friendly Pest Control

If you have been looking for an experienced and efficient pest control specialist in NYC, we would like to introduce you to Broadway Exterminating; A company that can rid your home or business of bed bugs, rodents, roaches, spiders, ants and many more pests. Broadway Exterminating has been offering complete pest control & extermination services to the Greater New York area since 1971, under the current ownership. We are dedicated to leading the industry in environmentally friendly and alternative pest control techniques. We eliminate all unwelcome pests from your house including bed bugs, insects, and rodents.

Located locally on the Upper West Side of Manhattan and servicing Brooklyn, Bronx, Queens and the greater New York area, our professional pest control & bed bug inspection specialists eliminate many types of parasites. Even the world famous pests & rodents from New York City do not stand a chance when you hire us as your pest control company. Our team of NYC-based exterminators are trained and are experienced with the latest techniques & strategies so they can eliminate many types of pests. If youre looking for the best pest control NYC has to offer, look no further than Broadway Exterminating.

Customer Satisfaction & results are top priority for us, and we take great pride in our reputation for excellent customer service. We offer a number of different pest solution service plan options; you are not required to enter into an on-going pest solutions contract with us. We can customize a plan for our exterminating services that will best meet your needs. We are here to solve your pest control problems in NYC and and all it's surrounding areas.

Original post:
5-Star Pest Control NYC & Bed Bug Removal | Broadway ...

Bed Bugs in New York City – The Web’s #1 Bed Bug Resource

April 8th, 2018 by admin

Before a person can prevent an infestation, it is important to know what they are, how they live and what they look like. Once you know what they look like, hopefully, before you bring them home, you can avoid staying in hotels that have them.

Simply, they are small parasites that live in mattresses and other types of soft furniture. They are nocturnal and are hard to spot during the day. They are oval-shaped, and once they have fed on blood are reddish brown in color. If you ever see an insect in your home or hotel room that is flattish, oval-shaped and reddish brown, you should catch it and try to identify it.

These parasites feed on blood, primarily human blood. This is a major creep factor is associated with them beyond simply having a home pest. They come out at night, crawl on your sleeping body and make a meal of you. Some people may find the vampire myth sexy but nobody, except maybe an entomologist, can say the same about these insects.

For most people the idea of having them is completely repulsive. They are sneaky, gross and hated around the world. They attack people when they are at their most vulnerable and leave few signs behind.

New York City is #1 in many things, but it was not prepared to become the American city with the heaviest infestation. There is a simple reason for this resurgence. International travel gives these bugs new homes quickly. New York City is certainly a major travel hub. Vacationers head to NYC but the main culprit of the outbreak is people who travel for business.

Vacationers simply go from their home to a hotel and back. They are much less likely to drop these parasites in enough hotels to cause a major problem; although vacationers are often a victim, and bring them home unknowingly. People in business spend weeks or months hotel hopping. As our society has become global these bugs have staged a comeback.

The U.S. almost got rid of them early in the last century. Then international travel became more common and people were staying in hotels in countries that were still dealing with them. People would go to different countries and bring home a little something extra in their luggage and clothing. The U.S. now has a new booming industry eradication of these pests.

New York City may have them but how does one avoid staying in a hotel that has an active infestation. The insidious thing about these pests is that they do not always live in the flea-bag motels. It would be easy to stay in a slightly more expensive hotel but that is no guarantee of an infestation-free accommodation. Actually, the more expensive hotels are just as likely to have infestations.

With the Internet age in full force there is a website that is devoted to the places with reported infestations. The Bed Bug Registry is a website where people can report their sightings and experiences. People can use this free resource to avoid bringing home an unwanted souvenir.

These insects are sneaky little devils. They only come out in the dark unless the infestation is extreme. When you turn on the lights of your hotel room, they will quickly scurry away. Although it is hard to spot them, they do leave visible signs behind.

The most prevalent signs are blood smears on the sheets and waste along the bedrails. They hide behind the headboard, along the railings of the bed and between the mattress and bedsprings. If you cannot spot the little beasties, you should become accustomed to the other signs. These pests shed skin and leave fecal matter behind. This looks like a pile of pepper or coarse ash in areas where they nest.

People may not want to spend their evenings hunting for these bugs but that is better than bringing them home. Just strip the bed, check under the box springs and glance behind the headboard. If you see any signs, ask for a new room or find a new hotel.

Normally the vehicles that you ride in are not a problem when it comes to these insects. Places where people sleep or gather cause problems. There are things that you can do to keep the bugs from coming home with you. The use of a hard suitcase is one of the best things that one can do to keep them from hitching a ride home with you. Putting your clothing into a re-sealable plastic bag before putting them into the suitcase keeps them out of your clothing.

Remember that the hotels are there to serve you. You can ask them about their policy. How often do they inspect? Do they have an exterminator come in on a regular basis? Is the housekeeping staff knowledgeable? Asking these questions will not offend the staff at a quality hotel.

Once you are in the room, you want to keep your suitcase on top of a table or dresser. You should keep your clothes packed for a brief stay. You do not have to put your clothes in the bureau or closet.

When you come home unpack in a room that plenty of hard light-colored surfaces. Shake out and wash your clothing before putting them away. Inspect your luggage. Pay close attention to the handle and wheel area of the suitcase.

Even if you accidentally stay overnight in a hotel that has an active infestation there are ways to prevent bringing them home. Wash everything that is washable prior to re-entering your home. This includes clothing, linens and bags that contain clothes. If you cannot wash it, wipe it down. If you cannot wipe it down, put it in a bag for a year. That may sound extreme but these insects can survive for an entire year without feeding again.

Hotels are not the only place that one can pick up these bugs. Guests to your home can bring them in; children can get them at sleepovers or at camp and you can even get them by picking up a castoff piece of furniture that someone left at the side of the street. The owner of that free couch or mattress may have thrown it away because of bugs. Clean every previously owned item that comes into your home.

Even the most cautious people may still end up with a hitchhiker in their suitcase. Anyone can get them but you need to get rid of them as quickly as possible. The easiest way to rid your home of these pests is to contact a pest control company and let them deal with it. You can try DIY extermination but they are very hard to kill. Only a few chemicals will work on them. If you use the right pest killer but miss a few bugs, you will be right back where you started.

Talk to your neighbors. One of the best ways to find the best service is to find out whom your neighbor uses. Sure, it may be a little embarrassing but you do not have to be too specific about why you need a pest company.

Check the ads of the company. If they do not specifically mention these bugs, they may not be experienced their eradication. Ask questions of your pest control company. Make full use of your free consultation and inspection prior to making a decision. Do not listen to grandiose claims. It is difficult to get rid of these bugs. A reputable company will not claim that they can get rid of your problem with one visit.

When the pest company comes to treat your home, they will give you some homework. All homeowners need to do their part by following the instructions that the pest control company suggests. Remember, they are the professionals and you are paying for that knowledge. Follow their advice.

Although they bite, they do not transmit any diseases. However, some people are allergic to the bites. This can cause red and itchy circles to appear on the body. A little cortisone cream will control the itching but the only way to avoid bites is to rid your home of the infestation. Severe scratching of the bites may potentially lead to an infection but this is unrelated to the bugs themselves. If you itch until you break the skin, wash the sore area with soap and water to avoid infection.

The bites normally occur in clusters. There will be a line or collection of little circles on a part of the body. If you notice an unexplainable rash on your body that presents itself as itchy circles, check for an infestation. The inner arms, face and neck are prime feeding spots. These areas are often left uncovered during sleep and are easy places for the bugs to feed.

With the high number of infestations occurring in New York City the city has had to put a few recommendations into place to help combat the problem. Disposing of infected material is a major problem. When people put household items at the curb for the New York City sanitation department to pick up, people who may need the items salvage them for their own use. This spreads the infestation from home to home.

When disposing of a household item that has an active bug population New York City recommends the owner put a sign on the item that announces that it contains bed bugs. This gives the potential new owner a heads up as to what they may be bringing home with their new treasure. If the person disposing of the item can place it into a trash bag, they should do so. This keeps the bugs from leaving and keeps people from knowing what you are throwing away.

People should cut or damage larger items prior to placing them at the curb. A large slice in a mattress, box springs or couch will make it less attractive to scavengers. Do not bring new items into the home until the infestation has been eradicated. Failure to do so just gives them new places to hide and breed. An infested item is not something that one should donate. Giving to charity is great but giving something that will simply cause additional problems to the person you are trying to help is not very nice.

Apartment owners in New York City have the additional problem of keeping them from moving from apartment to apartment. Ask all tenants to report an infestation to the building management immediately. The owner or manager of the building will then be able to call an exterminator in to handle the problem. One should inspect all vacant apartments prior to finding a new tenant. It is easier to treat an empty apartment instead of one that is occupied.

Places where people come to stay for short durations are typically hit hard. The homeless, elderly and medically vulnerable do not need the additional stress of suddenly discovering that their sanctuary is also a haven for these parasites. This is a sensitive issue but one that does need to be addressed.

It is much easier to prevent an infestation than it is to treat one. All staff in any group living situation should be trained to interview new guests. The home should develop a regular set of questions that pinpoint possible carriers while allowing the person answering the questions to maintain their dignity and self-respect. Staff should ask the questions in a respectful and compassionate manner. When one feels as though someone is interrogating them, they may not give truthful answers.

Keeping bugs out can mean getting rid of plush and upholstered furniture. Bed frames should be metal, plastic and metal furnishing and no headboards are the best defense against them finding a hiding place. Linens and anything made of wood should be white. It is easier to spot them on a light colored surface. Box springs should be in a plastic sleeve. Do not use anything made of wicker. The open weave of wicker gives them too many places to hide.

Make eradication part of the culture of the home. Talk openly about them and encourage all residents to report any that they see. Getting rid of the taboo and shame associated will go far toward an open discourse within the home.

Have an exterminator on contract. If you have, or have had a problem, keep your exterminators coming by. They can check for pests and correct any problems early.

Reports of bugs being spotted in New York City public schools have parents concerned. The schools are required by law to report any instances. The infestations are not severe but do show just how prevalent they are. The schools claim that there are just a few bugs here and there but people should still be on the lookout.

Nobody expects to get these bugs from their movers. The surprising fact that movers are spreading them shocks people moving to a new home. The bugs hitch a ride in the moving truck and just wait for a comfy sofa to come in. This is the type of housewarming gift nobody wants or needs. It is important to ensure that you use a quality moving company. Many small unreliable companies out there are more than willing to take your money without offering a great service. Check the references of any moving company that you may be thinking of hiring.

According to ABC News, tourism is being adversely affected by these bugs. The Empire State Building and Bloomingdales, both top tourist attractions, have had recorded these bugs being spotted. When people read about this, they sometimes choose to take their vacation dollars elsewhere. People simply do not want to vacation is an area that has such creepy crawlies creeping around. A city that gets a reputation for being unclean or buggy quickly drops on the list of potential places to visit.

They do not bite if the lights are on. This is a myth. While they are most active at night, they will bite if the lights are on and there is a tasty body part handy.

Using pesticides will eradicate an infestation. This is a myth. The chemicals will not get into all the areas where they reside. You need to do a careful visual inspection and properly clean all infested rooms and items.

If an item is infested, the only option is to throw it away. This is a myth. If you can clean it, you can get rid of the bugs. If you cannot clean it, bag and store it for one year to control a new outbreak.

They are not known to spread disease. This is a fact. This was previously mentioned as a fact but bears repeating. While they are annoying and gross most experts believe that they do not carry illness.

Their bites give you itchy welts. This is both true and a myth. People that are allergic to bug bites will have a strong reaction, while those that are not allergic often times will have no reaction to the bite.

You cannot see one. This is a myth. This bug is small but is not microscopic. They are difficult to see only because of their color and that they are nocturnal creatures.

One visit from an exterminator is all you need for eradication of an infestation. This is a myth. Eradication and control requires a minimum of two visits. The exterminator should return to ensure that all bugs and their eggs are dead.

You can get a quote from a qualified exterminator over the phone. This is a myth. The price of a visit will be determined by the extent of the infestation and the size of your property. A good pest control company should offer a free consultation and then give a price estimate.

Only dirty people get them. This is a myth. Anyone can get them. The test of the sanitation of a home is how long they remain.

If you find them in your home, you are in good company. When you discover them and the owner of the property does nothing about it, call the NYC 311 line and report them. Everyone needs to do as much as they can to help combat the epidemic in New York City. It is everyones responsibility to help. Remember to be on the lookout for these pests, check your home and always use common sense in your travels.

Go here to see the original:
Bed Bugs in New York City - The Web's #1 Bed Bug Resource

Bronx Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Brooklyn Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Manhattan Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Nyc Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Queens Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel | Staten Island Bed Bug Registry Infestation Maps, Residential And Hotel

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